Recipe of the Month: Pesto Crusted Salmon Fillet

24th August 2019

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Pesto Crusted Salmon Fillet with Creamy Courgette Linguine

(Serves 2)

2 portions of salmon 190/220g
50g -Breadcrumbs
50g -Basil Pesto
1 – Lemon (zest & juice)
Dash of olive oil
125g -Cooked Linguine
50g -Diced Shallots
2tsp -Garlic Purée
100ml -White Wine
250ml -Double Cream
50g -Grated Parmesan
1 -Courgette peeled into ribbons
1 -Red Chicory or 1/4 Raddichio Lettuce
2 -Spring Onions finely sliced
2tsp -Chopped Chives
Small bunch of Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine

This is a lovely easy salmon pasta dish that is good for summer or autumn. All ingredients are easy to get in most supermarkets.

Firstly to make the pesto crust combine the breadcrumbs, pesto, a pinch of salt & pepper, zest and juice of a lemon. Depending on how runny the pesto is you may need to add a bit of olive oil until the breadcrumbs can be formed to stick together. Put the crust onto the top of the salmon until it covers the surface area completely. Place salmon onto parchment paper on a tray ready for cooking.

Get all your ingredients for linguine ready before you start cooking the salmon. Once ready put salmon in the oven at 190c and set a timer for 15 mins. After 10 mins start to cook the base of the linguine and put cherry tomatoes in the oven with the salmon.

For the linguine start with the shallots and a bit of oil in a hot but not too hot frying pan.

Add the garlic and fry a bit with the shallots and then add the wine. It should start to boil fairly quickly and then add the cream. Bring this to the boil and add Parmesan and continue to boil for 1-2 mins it will start to thicken. Now add the Chicory and linguine. Get the linguine mixed in with sauce and then add courgettes. Again mix in well so its evenly spread in the pan. Last to add is the spring onions, chives and seasoning if desired.

This may take a little longer than the salmon being ready but don’t worry you can just turn the oven off with the salmon just keeping warm inside until you are ready to plate up.

In a large bowl divide the linguine, place salmon on top and cherry tomatoes on top of the salmon. Enjoy!

Recipe from Leon Jones Catering Limited