Redefining networking: The Big Fat Greek Club

17th October 2023

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In the bustling business landscape of Brighton, two visionary leaders came together with a shared dream. Beyond the confines of traditional networking, they envisioned a space where the community thrives and where genuine connections lead to collaboration. Dive into the story of The Big Fat Greek Club and discover how this unique venture is redefining networking in Brighton.

The Big Fat Greek Club is a social club for business leaders. It emphasises a relaxed and friendly environment where participants can enjoy Greek food, music and company. The club does not feature pitches or guest speakers; instead, it focuses on social interaction. It’s brought to you by ACUMEN BUSINESS LAW and Nostos Hove Greek restaurant.

Evolution of the Club from an idea to an iconic event

The room was abuzz with energy, full of professionals networking, exchanging business cards and discussing the latest trends. International Women’s Day saw Brighton’s business community coming together in celebration.

Amidst the crowd, Penina, a dynamic business leader known for her innovative ideas, took the stage, captivating the audience with her insights. As the applause settled, Kyriakos, the charismatic owner of Nostos, a popular Greek restaurant in town, approached her. He congratulated Penina on her inspiring talk, expressing genuine admiration for her vision.

“I’ve always felt that networking events here lack a certain… warmth,” Kyriakos mused, looking thoughtful. Penina nodded in agreement: “Yes, they’re often too formal, too structured. There’s no room for genuine connections.”

The two seemed to be on the same wavelength, and their conversation flowed naturally. “What if we created something different? Something like an ongoing event, where business leaders can come together in a more relaxed setting?” Kyriakos proposed.

Penina’s expression brightened. “Yes! How about a club?” she suggested. Kyriakos raised an eyebrow playfully as he teased, “What if we started with a curry club?” Penina’s face lit up with inspiration. “That’s a fun thought, Kyriakos! But imagine this: a Greek club. Now that would be truly special!”

And what better venue than Nostos? The top Greek restaurant in Brighton and Hove. A place that embodies the Mediterranean spirit, with its lively ambiance, authentic Greek roots, and delectable dishes that transport you straight to the sun-kissed shores of Greece.

The vision

As their conversation continued, the vision started taking shape. They spoke of a club that would bring the Mediterranean family culture to Sussex, where members would gather around tables, sharing stories, building relationships, and having fun in true Greek style.

By the end of the evening, The Big Fat Greek Club was no longer just an idea; it was a dream set in motion. This new venture, a unique blend of business and pleasure, was meant to revolutionise the Brighton networking scene. It wasn’t just about creating another networking event; it was about redefining the experience. They envisioned a recurring event, a hub where professionals could escape the monotony of traditional networking and dive into an atmosphere brimming with fun, yet impactful interactions.

September debut at Nostos

On Friday, September 22, 2023, The Big Fat Greek Club celebrated its grand launch at Nostos, marking the beginning of a new era in business gatherings and social events. At the club’s opening, more than 50 guests were treated not just to an exceptional networking experience but also to the heart-warming tale of the club’s inception. The story resonated with many, reminding them that the best ideas often sprout from spontaneous conversations and shared dreams.

Support from the community

“The vision could hardly come to life without the support of our sponsors,” Kyriakos says. He continues: “Both Penina and I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our esteemed sponsors who have shown unwavering support for The Big Fat Greek Club. Creative Pod, an award-winning design and marketing agency, and Rubix VT, a leading name in telecoms and business utilities, have both been instrumental in backing our vision. Special thanks to Matt Turner, James Turner, Nick Poyner, and Ian Trevett for their belief in our initiative and their continued support.”

A movement beyond a club

Today, The Big Fat Greek Club stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the magic that ensues when passion meets purpose. It’s not just a club; it’s a movement. A movement that invites business leaders to embrace the Mediterranean way of life, where business discussions are punctuated with laughter, where deals are sealed over a glass of ouzo, and where every meeting feels like a family gathering. Beyond the social interactions, the club promises to be a fertile ground where innovative business ideas will sprout and flourish during its meetings, enriching Brighton’s entrepreneurial landscape.

Call to adventure

Kyriakos and Penina are inviting you to be part of the adventure. The club will be held on a Friday lunch once a month, so you can enjoy the rest of the afternoon and finish off the week on a high note. Book your seat for the next gathering and experience the magic firsthand.




Creative Pod

Rubix VT