Redefining success: lessons from the forest

14th February 2025

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What does success mean to you?

For many, success is a ceaseless pursuit — a horizon that keeps shifting further away. But what if we slowed down, paused our chasing and found success not in grand accomplishments but in the quiet, meaningful moments?

The outdoors offers this perspective. It doesn’t judge. Whether you strike a spark without kindling a full fire or carve a spoon that’s rough around the edges, the forest sees no failure. It simply nurtures us, accepting every effort equally and knows that you can come back and try again.

This idea struck me deeply after listening to Sam’s 100th episode of the Different Hats Podcast. Sam touched on a profound truth — success blooms all around us if only we stop long enough to notice it. And there’s perhaps no better place to become present in these daily miracles than outdoors, surrounded by the unhurried wisdom of nature.

The forest’s quiet lessons

The forest offers a unique kind of freedom — one where traditional measures of success fade away.

It’s a space where the usual pressures to perform and compete don’t apply, allowing both individuals and teams to step back and reassess what truly matters. Here, success isn’t defined by meeting rigid expectations but by the intrinsic value of the experience itself.

For teams, this shift in perspective can be transformative. Instead of focusing solely on outcomes, they learn to appreciate the process — collaborating, problem-solving and rediscovering genuine connection.

Perhaps it’s asking: What does collective success look like? A groundbreaking project? A smooth presentation? Or could it be as simple as reconnecting with each other, building trust and sharing ideas more freely from a creative block?

At Adventurist Collective, we believe the forest offers teams the perfect space to redefine success, on their own terms.

Stop, slow down and connect

Modern workplaces often operate at a breakneck pace, leaving little room to breathe, much less to reflect. Creativity stalls. Communication falters. Spirits dim. Yet we’ve seen how stepping outside — literally — can change everything.

Our forest sessions aren’t just about team-building; they’re about hitting the reset button. They offer a chance to stop, slow down and truly be. Be with nature. Be present with your team. Be open to the world around you.

It’s simple, yet transformative. Picture this: Your team gathers under a canopy of trees. The pressure of deadlines fades. Together, you attempt to build a fire — some sparks catch, some don’t. You laugh, you try again, you learn from each other. Suddenly, everyone is working as a unit. Problem-solving feels fluid. Barriers crumble. You haven’t just built a fire; you’ve reignited ‘connection’. You’ve built your community. And maybe you’ve roasted a marshmallow.

We see it quite simply.

Creativity blocked? Get outside.

Trouble communicating? Get outside.

Feeling meh? Get outside.

Success blooms in the present

This was the final note on Sam’s latest episode – success blooms all around us.

No one leaves the forest unchanged. We’ve learned that happiness and success don’t live on some distant horizon — they’re here, waiting to be embraced in ordinary moments.

Nature has always been our greatest teacher, reminding us that success is just as much in the trying as it is in  the achieving.

With the Adventurist Collective, we don’t just bring teams outside; we bring them back to themselves. We help businesses find success not in relentless striving, but in creating space for joy, growth, and connection to bloom every day.

Don’t delay your happiness-or your team’s.

Stop. Slow down. Get outside. Success is waiting, and it’s closer than you think.

Article by Matt Coyne, of Adventurist Collective. Matt has over 20 years of experience hosting events, facilitating meetings, workshops and roundtables as well as delivering coaching in outdoors pursuits. He also runs – forest school adventure sessions for children in Sussex.

If you’d like to talk about how Adventurist Collective can help your team reconnect and recharge, please visit or reach out to us at