Reflecting on Silicon Brighton’s transformative journey

14th November 2023

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Four years ago, I stood before a small yet enthusiastic crowd, sharing a vision close to my heart. It was more than just an idea; it was a blueprint for a collaborative ecosystem where individuals and businesses with a digital pulse could come together, writes Steve Rackley, co-founder of Silicon Brighton.

Our goal was ambitious yet simple: to create a thriving technical ecosystem that benefits everyone involved, a model fostering skill development and mutual growth.

From its inception, Silicon Brighton was an embodiment of passion and persistence. We began modestly, with me organising a few key events. Little did I know, this would snowball into an organisation supporting 30 tech and digital meetups across Brighton. Our journey symbolises not just growth, but the power of a community coming together for a common cause.

As we grew, it became clear that introspection was necessary. We had to ask ourselves the tough questions: Who are we? What impact are we striving to make? Are we on the right path? Despite our success, we realised that we lacked a clear brand strategy. This realisation marked the beginning of a transformative journey for Silicon Brighton.

Our vision crystallised: to make Brighton the seaside epicentre of the tech industry, a place where tech businesses bloom and professionals find their stride. We aimed to be more than an organisation; we wanted to be a friend to everyone in the tech industry, facilitating meaningful connections and fostering collaboration.

Our values emerged as the pillars of our identity: impact, responsiveness, friendship, action, and amplification. These values became our guiding light, shaping how we interact and what we aspire to achieve. We envisioned Silicon Brighton as the approachable, laid-back face of the tech industry, a group dedicated to bringing people out from behind their screens to connect, collaborate, and create.

To sustain and grow, we have evolved our funding model. Traditional membership has given way to a more flexible supporter model, allowing voluntary contributions from all, regardless of financial standing. This inclusive approach was designed to make Silicon Brighton accessible to everyone in the business community. We’ve also reached out to larger corporations, inviting them to join us as sponsors, playing a pivotal role in the local tech industry’s growth.

We recognised that every individual, regardless of their role or experience, brings something unique to the table. This understanding led to the creation of ‘Silicon Brighton Stars’, our volunteer program, ensuring that everyone’s contribution, be it time, resources, or skills, is valued equally.

With a new brand strategy and a dynamic team, we’re on an exciting path. Our transition into a community interest company signifies our commitment to reinvesting back into the community. We’re also crafting a new visual identity that resonates with our human-centric and innovative approach.

Looking ahead, we’re thrilled about our partnership with Brighton Fringe. This collaboration will bring a festival-like atmosphere to the city, blending tech talks with artistic performances. This event, alongside our expanding team of dedicated professionals, is a testament to our unwavering commitment to our vision.

A significant moment in our journey is the elevation of Grace Prior to the role of co-founder. Her contributions have been pivotal to our success, and her new role is a recognition of her tireless dedication and innovative spirit. Grace has been the driving force behind many of our initiatives and her leadership continues to propel us forward.

Having been here since the start of Silicon Brighton, I’m filled with pride and gratitude. What began as a simple idea has blossomed into a community-centric, impactful organisation. Our journey is a reminder of the incredible things that can happen when people come together for a shared purpose. As we move forward, our focus remains on inclusivity, collaboration, and community well-being.