Register Now for Charity’s South Downs fundraising walk

21st June 2017

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Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity (DVLCC) has announced that registration to the Arundel to Brighton (A2B) walk is now officially open, and is calling for people to get involved!

The Charity aims to raise £30,000 from the event, which is now in its fifth year, in order to launch a new Outreach Service to provide support to those families who are unable to attend sessions or need extra help at home. This service will include home visits as well as leveraging digital audio visual technology to allow families to participate virtually in sessions and benefit from online video tutorials. This will also enable the Charity’s staff to go in to its children’s next schools to meet with teachers and to support their transition as well as helping their new teachers to understand how they might be able to better support children.

The fundraising walk begins at 7.30am on Saturday 16th September at Arundel Castle and follows the South Downs to Devil’s Dyke, Brighton over a 35k undulating course of beautiful scenic countryside.  The walk brings together people of all abilities and ends with a celebratory meal at the finish line.

For those who want to raise money but participate over a shorter distance, there’s also a 12km route which ends at Kithurst Hill.

Pilar Cloud, Executive Manager of DVLCC, said: “This event is very special to us as it brings people together, including some of our families, to enjoy the beautiful South Downs and raise vital money for the Charity.  This year also marks our Founder – Dame Vera Lynn’s – 100th birthday.

“The work of the Charity has helped more than 500 families with children under five years old who have cerebral palsy and other motor learning difficulties.  The Charity gives these children an amazing start by offering an innovative and essential early intervention service to help the whole family, and if we can raise the target of £30,000 we will be able to bring our services directly into the homes of those who need it.”

Registration for the A2B walk costs £36 per adult and £11 per child and all proceeds will go directly to the charity.  For teams of three adults there’s a special rate of £100 per team.  All walkers are asked to aim to raise a minimum of £100, or £400 collectively as a team of three.  For more information on the A2B walk or to register to participate visit

For more information on Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity visit

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