Revealed: UK drivers caught speeding every 5 minutes

31st January 2022

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In the UK, 3 out of 4 motoring offences (74%) are speeding crimes, according to the latest government data.

The figures are so high today that UK drivers are caught speeding every five minutes. A massive £226.5 million is collected from speeding fines every year in Britain.

Speeding might be the most popular motoring offence, yet thousands of drivers still have questions about it. We reveal the most-asked speeding questions, with answers from UK police forces and motoring expert Bud Johnston, Group Marketing Director at Rivervale.

How much can you go over the speed limit? UK police forces reveal the answer

Google search data reveals that 6,000 people in the UK ask this question every year – but what’s the official answer? We sent Freedom of Information requests to all 43 UK police constabularies, asking for the speed camera activation threshold for devices under their authority.

Out of the 21 responses we received, 57% of police forces advised the threshold for speed cameras is 10% plus 2 mph.

This means that if you are driving in a 30 mph zone, you would activate a speed camera if you were driving 35 mph. Or, if you were speeding in a 40 mph zone, you would meet the threshold at 46 mph.

Other authorities explained that officers use their discretion, or that the information couldn’t be disclosed to the public. Here are the complete results from our research.

Police Constabulary   Speed Camera Activation Threshold
 Avon & Somerset  10% + 2 mph
 City of London  10% + 2 mph
 Cumbria  10% + 2 mph
 Derbyshire  10% + 2 mph
 Devon & Cornwall  10% + 2 mph
 Durham  10% + 2 mph
 Gloucestershire  10% + 2 mph
 Humberside  10% + 2 mph
 Kent  10% + 2 mph
 North Yorkshire  10% + 2 mph
 Essex  10% + 2 mph to 9 mph
 Lancashire  10% + 3 mph up to 9 mph
 Bedfordshire  Declined to disclose information
 Hampshire  Declined to disclose information
 Hertfordshire  Declined to disclose information
 Leicestershire  Declined to disclose information
 Northamptonshire  Declined to disclose information
 Northumbria  Declined to disclose information
 West Midlands  Declined to disclose information
 Wiltshire  The devices aren’t set at any particular speed. Officers use their own discretion when setting the threshold.
 Lincolnshire  + 2 mph up to 66mph and + 3% for all speeds higher than 66mph

More than half of UK drivers are breaking the speed limit at any given time

The government research also reveals that over half of British drivers (55%) speed at any given time, on average.

Drivers are most likely to break the law in 20 mph zones, with a huge 9 in 10 drivers (89%) found speeding on these roads. This may be because 20 mph roads are often quieter, or drivers haven’t realised that the lower limit is in effect.

However, the 20 mph limit is usually in place for school zones where children are crossing, making it extremely dangerous if you choose to speed.

30 mph roads also have more speeders than not; the government statistics show that 3 in 5 drivers (62%) break the limit in these zones.

1 in 5 drivers break the ‘2-second rule’

Our research found that 1 in 5 (19%) of cars travel with less than 2 seconds between them and the vehicle in front, which is against the DVLA’s advice.

Sunday is the most popular day for speeding

It appears that many illegal drivers try to take advantage of quieter roads and rack up more speeding points and fines at the weekend. Government research reveals that Sunday is the most popular day for speeding, with an average of 56% of car drivers exceeding the limit on any given road.

The top 5 most-asked speeding questions, answered

We researched Google search data to find out the most-asked speeding questions, with answers from our resident motoring expert Bud Johnston, Group Marketing Director at Rivervale.

  1. How many points do I get for speeding?

45,600 searches per year

‘If you’re caught speeding, you’ll receive 3 points on your driving licence, at the very least. This can go up to 6 points, depending on the severity of the offence. The only way to avoid receiving points is if you’re offered a speed awareness course.’

  1. How much is a speeding fine?

30,000 searches per year

‘A speeding fine will set you back a minimum of £100, although this can go up to £2,500 if you take the matter to court and are found guilty.’

  1. How much is a speeding fine for doing 40 in a 30?

12,000 searches per year

‘You’ll receive at least a £100 fine for doing 40 in a 30 mph zone, however, it could be more depending on the police authority – it can be down to their discretion.’

  1. How long does it take to get a speeding ticket?

10,800 searches per year

‘A speeding ticket, which includes a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) and a Section 172 notice, will normally be sent to you within 14 days of the speeding offence. You need to respond within 28 days by returning the Section 172 notice to confirm who was driving.’

  1. How long do speeding points last?

10,800 searches per year

‘Speeding points stay on your licence for 4 years.’

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