Review: Honda Civic

25th April 2019

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Ill leave the aesthetics up to you to decide, but I have to say that at least the Civic has got some design to it not just on the outside but the inside to.  

The inside has as much of a sporty feel on the inside as the outside further enhanced by the driving experience itself which is also pretty sporty.  

The grip on the road is great, and sitting so low down (if you want) you really do feel that you are gripping the road when hurtling around corners 

It runs smoothly and with a bit of poke to boot, without being too noisy accelerating to a comfortable cruise from slip road onto a motorway  

Suspension is good, gears move seamlessly, it brakes well and has a lovely wide front windscreen, although is not blindspot free and some may take exception to the size of the back windscreen.  

The stereo and infotainment system is pretty intuitive, and there is plenty of storage spaces to house a variety of detritus that we often accumulate in our cars.  

The boot is brilliant, and large, although there is a bit of a lip, but nothing too terrible. Definitely a plus point though for those with lots of luggage to cart about.  

However, and there is always a however – although there is plenty of leg room in the back, the curvature of the roof does mean that passengers in the back may feel it on the sides and backs of their heads given a ridge in the back of the car.  

If you are simply carting kids around in the back though this is not an issue and in conclusion leads me to say that this is basically a good all-round car, that can give a little extra if you want to throw it around some corners and have a bit of fun.  





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