Rise of the Middle Lane Hogger

25th April 2019

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A new AA survey has found that half of drivers think middle lane hogging and undertaking are getting worse. 

The number of Fixed Penalty Notices for careless driving has dropped by 8.4 per cent, but a AA-Populus research suggests the problem is under-detected. 

Edmund King, director of the AA Charitable Trust, said: “Middle lane hogs are always in the top three pet hates of drivers, so it doesn’t help harmony on the roads if drivers perceive the problem is getting worse. 

“At best, middle lane hogs and under-takers are annoying, but the reality is these habits are dangerous. Blocking lanes often leads to other drivers tailgating which itself leads to collisions. 

“The drop in Fixed Penalty Notices for careless driving probably points more to a reduction in traffic police than it does to a meaningful change in behaviour. 

“Hopefully allowing learner drivers on motorways will lead to a new generation of drivers who better understand lane discipline.” 


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