Rockinghorse lights up children’s hospital – with the help of the community

16th January 2024

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The Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital was the setting for a magical light display in December, with local businesses, supporters and the community coming together to wish sick children a Merry Christmas.

In the run up to Christmas, Rockinghorse Children’s Charity ran its ‘Be a Rockinghorse Star’ campaign again, raising funds to make sure that no child visiting or staying in hospital this Christmas misses out on the festive fun. Then, in December, the charity created a magical light projection on the side of the children’s hospital to wish all the children and their families a very Merry Christmas and to thank the staff who worked over the festive period.

Spending time in hospital over Christmas isn’t fun for anyone, but it’s even worse for children – not knowing if Father Christmas will know where to find them, not being able to enjoy Christmas at home with their family, not to mention being scared and worried about their treatment.

Donna Holland, CEO of Rockinghorse Children’s Charity, explains why support is so vital. “At Rockinghorse, we support all the families that knew they’d be spending Christmas in hospital and the families that didn’t know in the run up to the holiday that they’d be spending Christmas in hospital.

“On top of our usual projects, in December, we deliver advent calendars and gifts to children in hospital, we fund Christmas parties and festive activities, we enable Santa, reindeer, donkeys and dogs to come to the hospitals, we deliver Christmas meals and hampers to families on Christmas day. We do anything we can to help children and their families feel more at home in the hospital.

“And we can do all this because of our Christmas Star appeal – the money raised as part of the campaign enables us to bring Christmas to thousands of children and their families.

“I want to thank the incredible companies and people that have become a Christmas star and supported this campaign. Without you all we simply couldn’t make Christmas happen for children in hospitals all over Sussex.

“We also couldn’t make Christmas happen without the incredible staff that work in the NHS. To all the doctors, nurses, health care professionals, play team and support staff – you are truly wonderful, and we are so proud to work alongside you. Thank you for everything you do.”

Naomi Austin was there to ‘switch on’ the display, with her partner Simon and children, Carey and Aubrey. Naomi and Carey were the focus of the charities ‘One Day at a Time’ campaign earlier this year, raising funds for a specialist Oncology Psychologist at the hospital to help families managing a cancer diagnosis.

The family spent time in the hospital, including at Christmas, and know the difference the support provided by Rockinghorse makes. Naomi said: “Spending time in hospital with a sick child is never easy, especially over the Christmas period, but having all the toys and activities that Rockinghorse provides makes such a massive difference to how a child, and their parents, feel about their situation.”

Helping make Christmas happen

A range of Sussex businesses generously supported the ‘Be a Rockinghorse Star’ campaign including Repair and Assure, Hankinson Whittle, CEF, Barrington James, RDS, Stephen Johnson Photography, Paige Collins, Golden Lion Group, Trident, European International Fairs Ltd, Squires Garden Centres, IT Document Solutions, Peabody’s Coffee, Mascol Events and Platinum Media Group.

Jermaine Weeden and Steph Prior from IT Document Solutions, who sponsored one of the stars in the display, said: “We were so glad to be involved in the Rockinghorse Star Campaign this Christmas, it is our way of giving back to the local community and ensuring that children and their families that are in hospital during this time receive the support from the charity and Christmas is that little bit better for them.”

How you can get involved in 2024

Moving further into 2024, the charity is planning lots more events and fundraising opportunities to help support even more babies, children, young people and their families throughout 2024.

Whether it’s signing up to a marathon, skydive or 5k, or something less physical such as getting yourself a table at the charity’s wonderful Glitter Ball at The Grand in March, there are always lots of ways to support them and have some fun.

Find out more on the charity’s website at: