Sally Gunnell becomes an Ambassador for Cancer Support UK

17th October 2023

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The Olympian has undergone training to offer workplace cancer support.

Olympic champion and health and wellbeing advocate, Sally Gunnell OBE has announced that she will be supporting national cancer charity Cancer Support UK.

Gunnell’s work with the charity will focus on helping it to achieve its mission to help those impacted by cancer in the workplace.

“Since my introduction to the excellent work being carried out by Cancer Support UK,” said Sally. “I have been impressed by the quality of the services provided and I am now acutely aware of the huge need for people affected by cancer to receive more emotional support. I am therefore delighted to announce my involvement with this important charity. I am looking forward to using my knowledge, passion and energy to ensure that Cancer Support UK’s wonderful vision is achieved.”

Cancer Support UK’s CEO, Mark Guymer said: “No one should have to face cancer alone and we are immensely grateful to Sally for agreeing to help us raise greater awareness of our services and the help that is available for those impacted by cancer.”

Sally has become the charity’s latest Workplace Cancer Support Ambassador, having undertaken a specialist training session, covering the different aspects of cancer, cancer treatment, side effects and emotional/physical impact. She has joined the growing number of Workplace Cancer Support Ambassadors, developing key skills such as active listening, empathy, and the importance of language.

Sally said: “The Workplace Cancer Support Ambassador training I have received will be invaluable, giving me a more profound knowledge of the physical and mental effects of cancer. It also equips me with the confidence to talk to a wide range of audiences about the importance of providing the right levels of support for cancer patients in the workplace.”

Achieving sporting success was a tough challenge and Sally attributes this to a hard-working ethos and a positive mind set. She now uses her knowledge and experience of fitness, health, self-fulfilment and wellbeing to run corporate wellbeing programmes and supports healthy and active family initiatives in the UK.

Sally’s passion for mental health and emotional wellbeing is completely aligned with Cancer Support UK’s work to support people living with and beyond cancer.

Mark Guymer added: “Sally’s positivity and deep knowledge of health – both physical and mental – will be an enormous asset to our charity. Our joint ambition is to improve the quality of people’s lives and to ensure greater understanding and compassion for the significant changes that cancer makes to someone’s life.

“Educating people about the benefits of self-management techniques and the importance of talking to someone who understands what you are going through is vital. Grief, fear, worry, anxiety, stress are all emotions that can be dealt with given the right tools and coping strategies. Whether you are struggling at home post treatment or have returned to work, we want to give you a way forward.”

Cancer Support UK’s Cancer Coach programme and Workplace Cancer Support training courses focus on supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of people facing a personal cancer diagnosis, as well as those caring for a loved one with cancer.

If you know someone who has completed their cancer treatment, but who is finding it difficult to face life beyond cancer, please tell them about Cancer Support UK’s free Cancer Coach peer support groups. They are available to anyone with a stage 3 and below cancer diagnosis –

Could you become a Workplace Cancer Support Ambassador? Please visit: