SBT go green!

2nd July 2021

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Yep, you read it right we’ve gone green! Sussex Business Times has opted for a fully electric car as its first company vehicle. Sam Thomas, SBT Managing Director explains how things unfolded:

“Over the last few months the anticipation of lockdown ending and the easing of certain restrictions has seen some return to normality within the business world. For me as an avid networker I have always preferred to get out and about and speak to my clients face to face. When my last car went in for yet another repair and service I knew it was time to look at a change. Having worked with Rivervale, sponsors of the SBT motor section for some time now after a few short conversations I knew exactly what was best for me and SBT – a fully electric car. The fit couldn’t be better, working in sync with my ‘out and about’ work load I tend not to do many long journeys but lots of mid to short ones giving me ample opportunity to plug in and charge. When I saw the cost savings from a tax perspective I was already sold but the real icing on the cake was the saving in fuel and servicing. I highly recommend all business owners to look into going green and doing our bit to help the environment”

To understand more about the implications of going green and what that would look like for you and your business, get in touch with Rivervale on 01273 433480 or email