SBT’s very own Managing Director cooks up a storm on national television

11th October 2019

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Check out what our very own MD Sam Thomas was up to last month. He teamed up with his uncle George to cook up a storm on a new Channel 4 television show. He swapped his office for an apron to indulge in his passion for Greek Cypriot food.

Sam and Uncle George formed team Dasaki to bring family recipes, handed down by word of mouth through generations, to the masses on Cooking Up A Fortune. Hosted by Dominic Cools-Lartigue, the tea-time show aired for the first time last month. It saw three teams of two battle it out to earn the most profit by selling their dishes to paying customers.

The inspiration for Dasaki’s food is rooted in history. Village recipes travelled with the family, being handed down from generation to generation.

Sam said: “None of them were ever written on paper. They were learned by observing our parents and grandparents as they cooked for the family. Cooking Up A Fortune has been a fantastic way to share these recipes with other families and food lovers.”

Cooking Up A Fortune

In the first episode of the show, Sam, 40, and Uncle George, 60, impressed diners with their vegetable moussaka. On day two, they introduced foodies to their take on slow cooked lamb Kleftico and Fasoulaki Yahni. At the end of the first two episodes, Dasaki brought in a profit of more than £400 but were overtaken for first place by Dorset Gourmet. The difference was just £23.

“It was a great experience – my food dream come true,” said Sam, who is the managing director of networking organisation FirmBalls as well as SBT. “We were knocked out of the show but feel really humbled by all the support we have received. In fact, we are determined to keep the spirit of Dasaki alive with a cookbook. It is something I have promised my mum we will do.

“As well as putting our family recipes down on paper, we are sharing cooking demonstrations on YouTube every Friday. It is all about doing our family recipes justice and keeping them alive for future generations.”

You can see Sam and Uncle George cooking up a storm in their own kitchen at

All the Dasaki recipes featured on Cooking Up A Fortune can also be viewed at

For further information, contact Sam Thomas by email at or call 07894762304.