Speed Limiters ‘Mandatory by 2022’

25th April 2019

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All new cars could soon be fitted with technology that will stop drivers from breaking speed limits. 

The RAC says new rules have been provisionally agreed by the EU and mean speed limiters will become mandatory for all vehicles sold in Europe from 2022. 

The move has been welcomed by campaigners. They hope the technology will revolutionise road safety and save tens of thousands of lives. 

When the new rules have been given the green light, all vehicles in the EU would be fitted with a system that restricts them from breaking the speed limit.  

To be clear, the Department for Transport says the UK will follow suit – even after its withdrawal from the European Union. 

After being approved by the European Commission, ‘Intelligent Speed Assistance’ (ISA) is likely to be fitted to all new cars within just three years. 

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), the body which supports the introduction of ISAs, says the limiters will reduce collisions by 30 per cent and save around 25,000 lives within 15 years. 

The Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) has stated it intends to mirror EU rules post-Brexit. It is also accepted that car manufacturers are unlikely to produce different vehicles specifically for the UK market. 

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