Spirit of the Downs Handmade Artisan Sussex Grape Spirit

1st February 2021

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For 2020 the main focus has been with our grape spirit, but for 2021 we will be entering the two new Sussex brandies for IWSC awards for 2021 awards with the hope of winning again.

Recognition of the uniqueness and quality of Spirit of the Downs grape spirit We have had a great response and were recently featured in the Telegraph’s top 20 Unique gifts for December https://www.telegraph.co.uk/christmas/0/best-unusual-christmasgifts-2020-quirky-present-ideas-unique/

Spirit of the Downs Cocktails on Youtube

We have produced a range of cocktails for both the home cocktail maker and for more experience bars and restaurants, see our Youtube channel for inspiration – https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCHBcSspIhARFFbyjwMDSp6w/videos

What is Spirit of the Downs?

Spirit of the Downs uses award winning sparkling wine grapes from local vineyards. Wine based spirits are a growing sector especially with the growth of vineyards in the South East expect more grape spirits to be coming through from Vermouths to Eau de Vie, Brandies and liquers.

Our most recent releases include a limited edition of run of 700 bottles of the Pinot Noir Vintage 2019 Grape Spirit as well as two new Sussex Vintage 2019 Brandies, one lightly aged in an English oak barrel made by Alistair Simms the UK’s last Master Cooper based in Yorkshire and the other a more traditional Brandy using French oak (in a VS Cognac style). These small handmade batches of spirits are available from £30 a bottle for the Pinot Noir Grape spirit and £31 for the two brandies through the website or selected local wine merchants.

For 2020 the main focus has been with our award winning grape spirit, but for 2021 we will be entering the two new Sussex brandies for IWSC awards for 2021 awards with the hope of winning again.

Future plans

In 2020 we produced 700 bottles, for 2021 are hoping to produce 10,000 bottles for both the UK and export markets. We are working with four local vineyards including Breaky Bottom, Tickerage and Plumpton producing eight different spirit varietals for 2021.

We hope that more people who haven’t tried Grape based spirits before will be interested in trying one of our unique. As well as a great tasting spirit this is an opportunity looking for a change to the usual vodka or gin spirits and to try something new and local.

For further details of Spirit of the Downs please visit our website www.spiritofthedowns.co.uk, for all enquiries please contact me on 07773766225 or michael@spiritofthedowns.co.uk

Michael Yeoman Owner,