Sport Yogi Lewis Hatchett Launches New Platform

13th March 2019

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So, in this month’s article,  Lewis will be a little self-indulgent and use this time to announce the exciting news of the launch of his new online platform. Here, he explains…

Before click off in fear of yet another business promoting its services, you may want to sit tight and hear how my platform can help improve the physical and mental health of both you and your employees.

It is well known that the workplace is a stressful place for our health, combined with all the micro stress doses we get from our technological devices, environment, food and more. All These factors combined mean we are living in a highly stressed world. Recent studies have shown that 44% of work-related illness was due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety and accounts for 57% of work days lost.

Businesses are now going to have to come to terms with the fact that this must be addressed and companies such as Apple and Google are setting a high bar catering to the health and well-being of their employees in this new age of business. Most businesses are taking action in their own way to help reduce the amount of sick days that are surmounting within the world. With the statistics that I have just mentioned, a simpler way of viewing it; more sick days = less productivity in business = less results. So my question would be, what are you doing within your business to promote wellbeing?

Stress doesn’t necessarily manifest itself in the psychological. Stress can cause tension in our bodies which in turn can lead to tension in the mind. The majority of people would rather move their bodies than be told to sit, breath and meditate for 10 minutes.

I believe we are talking a lot about mental health and raising its awareness which I think is great. However, talking about it and not putting into place a plan or practical solution is like breaking a leg and discussing it in hope of it healing.

When we think about living a healthy lifestyle, we give practical solutions such as exercising and eating in order to improve our physical health. But what about practical solutions to combat psychological stress at the same time?

One well known solution to stress is yoga and I took up yoga as an athlete, but when I saw what the results were doing for me, I later trained as a yoga teacher adding to my personal training qualification and professional sport background. I started yoga by wanting physical benefits but soon discovered the mental benefits as I became aware of how much tension I was holding in my body.

Because I didn’t want to join a yoga class, I chose to do it at home online. But when I researched online classes they were more about ‘setting intentions’ and ‘opening the heart’, which I wasn’t that into. I wanted practical solutions, removing the fluffy side of yoga, that I could do in my own time or add into my exercise regime, which I found was limited!

Therefore, using my professional sport background combined with yoga principles as a yoga teacher I have created a platform, designed to help you improve your physical and psychological health. By making simple to follow videos to improve flexibility, strength and focus as well as reducing stress, injury and pain.

For less than the price of a single yoga class per month, users are able to log on to a variety of classes ranging in lengths that target the areas of the body that you want to work on with new videos being added regularly. As well as physical classes there are simple to follow breathing techniques and meditations to give practical uses for everyday life.

How this platform will work for you and your business.

Why not look after the health and well-being of your employees? You don’t have to have the space to organise physical classes or workshops. You don’t have to put it into the working day. Your employees don’t have to do it while at their places of work.

Using my platform, users will be able to access classes in their own time and in your own place. Allowing employees to get home and watch a class designed to leave more flexible, stronger or relaxed before they’ve even put the dinner on or even after they’ve tucked the kids in.

I’ll be offering readers of the Sussex Business Times the chance to receive a discount of 30% by using ‘SBT30’ at the checkout.

A more bespoke pricing package is available for businesses to implement as a part of their health and well-being programme. Please contact for further details.



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