Starr Trust Celebration Night

18th October 2016

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On October 12th the Starr Trust held its sixth Celebration Night, a very special evening that celebrates the lives and achievements of the young people that the charity has helped throughout the year. Almost 200 people came together at the Sussex County Cricket Ground, where sponsors, businesses and supporters had the chance to meet the young people whose lives have been transformed by their generosity.

During the evening families spoke of how the Edward Starr Awards had turned their children’s lives around. Ira Perrier’s mother Karen read out an incredibly moving piece written by her son about growing up without a father and how much joy and confidence basketball had given him. The Starr Trust has supported Ira financially for the past 4 years; he is now a straight-A student with a host of academic and sports accolades and is currently living his dream and working hard in a prestigious high school in Florida where he was awarded a scholarship.

Nicole Carman, Starr Trust Press Manager said “What a wonderful evening, the Boundary Rooms at the Cricket Ground were buzzing and we were thrilled to see so many of our supporters there, including our lovely Patron Robin Cousins. Local businesses attended like the Hilton, Brighton & Hove Buses and many more, all of whom have helped us raise an incredible £80,000 so far this year and we’re so grateful for their continued support.”

She continued: “A highlight of the evening was when two young champions, Zoe and Jasmine, sang beautifully for the audience. Jasmine is a talented young opera singer who attends the Guildhall and Zoe is flourishing at drama school. Zoe, aged 15, spoke of how much her confidence has grown since receiving her Award and that she could not have imagined being able to get up and sing in front of 200 people! Lots of other young champions shared their stories and we will be posting them on our website soon at”

The Starr Trust can truly change the lives of young people. If you know someone living in the BN postcode area, aged 10-18, who would benefit from an Award, then please email

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