Superhero iDrop raises over £16k for Rockinghorse

8th August 2021

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The iDrop at British Airways i360 in Brighton made a welcome return on Thursday in aid of Rockinghorse Children’s Charity.

The event, the first organised by the charity this year, saw 27 brave participants enjoying the beautiful early evening sun to take part in the abseil from the i360, all in the name of charity. 

The iDrop, operated by the i360, saw the fundraisers securely lowered, one by one, from the open pod doors 450ft above Brighton seafront, taking in spectacular view of the city. Each one enjoyed the sweeping 360-degree views as they gently glided down to beach level to be cheered on by their supporters.

The event took place first thing in the early evening of Thursday 15 July and raised over £16,000 for Rockinghorse, the local children’s charity, best known for being the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital and a vital supporter of the neighbouring Trevor Mann Baby Unit.

Along with participants from Morgan Sindall and 1 Crown Office Row, the BBC Radio Sussex presenter Allison Ferns also braved the drop despite having a great fear of heights. 

Allison’s producer Will Flockton nominated her for the event and after landing safely back on the ground, Allison described her experience: “It was actually really emotional. There may have been a few tears at the top. I may have wanted my mum at the top. But then once you’re going down – it’s so smooth.  And it’s such an amazing view, it was actually quite serene and tranquil.  And you know what, I would do it again!

“I feel amazing.  I never thought I would ever in my wildest dreams that I would be the person to do this. I’m the one who holds the coat at theme parks. I’m the one who couldn’t face the helter-skelter. But I did it and it was amazing and if it raises some money for the Rockinghorse charity then it’s been all worthwhile.”

Lucy Pond, Challenge Event Manager for Rockinghorse, was really pleased to be able to organise the event: “It’s so lovely to be able to hold events again and this iDrop is a great way to get started. It’s a wonderful event and gives all our fundraisers a once in a lifetime opportunity to jump from the iconic Brighton seafront landmark – the views from the top across the city are lovely, especially on a beautiful summer evening. 

“But obviously we hold events like this is to raise money and we are so thankful to every single person who has taken part and helped us reach the amazing total of over £16,000. These funds will help so many sick babies and children who need treatment in hospital or the local community.”

And don’t worry if you missed out on this iDrop and still fancy flying through the air above the Brighton skyline, the charity has another one planned in December. 

With just a £50 registration fee and a minimum sponsorship of £250, it’s chance in a lifetime opportunity. For more information or to sign up, contact, call Rockinghorse on: 01273 330044 or take a look at the Rockinghorse website at: