Sussex brewery offers free beer to pubs

17th May 2021

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• Hepworth & Company has created a new light pale ale, Tier Drop, to give away to pubs and help them after lockdown
• The initiative will run from April to July and is available to pubs local to the brewery
• Landlords still need to pay beer duty, but Hepworth will provide the ale for nothing

Sussex based brewery Hepworth is helping pubs get back on their feet after national lockdown by giving away its new cask beer, Tier Drop.

The brewery has created a premium light pale ale (3.3% abv) with locally grown barley and hops to provide a beer to slake the thirst of many months of closure. Pub landlords will still have to pay the beer duty, but Hepworth will provide the beer for nothing.

The initiative will run from April to July 2021 to support landlords after the devastating affects the coronavirus pandemic had on the hospitality industry. The Tier Drop ale will be available to pubs within a 30 mile radius of the Sussex brewery. Customers can order up to three casks of the free beer per order.

Head Brewer and Managing Director Andy Hepworth said: “The last year has seen one of Britain’s greatest institutions, our pubs, bear the brunt of successive lockdowns and so with their reopening, we wanted to help as much as we can.

“We decided to support them with free, good quality beer as they could serve customers once again. It is only a drop in the ocean, but we are open to doing what we can to support our local pubs.”

Hepworth & Company, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, has a range of 14 beers and lagers. Many of these beers are gluten free and suitable for vegans thanks to the brewing process on certain beers used that removes gluten naturally. Many of the company’s beers are stocked in national retailers such as Marks & Spencer, Coop, Tesco, Waitrose, and Morrison’s.

Hepworth & Company is also leading the way when it comes to sustainability in brewing, being the proud pioneer of a beer sourced heat pump, which is powered by their own solar panels.

Tier Drop is available to order from Hepworth Brewery now. For more information on how to order, please visit