Sussex Chamber: Business Priorities

23rd August 2019

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Businesses are looking to the new Prime Minister to take swift and tangible steps to inject momentum and confidence into the UK economy. Unless decisive action is taken, we believe the UK economy will remain locked onto a low-growth trajectory.  

The Chamber network’s latest Quarterly Economic Survey, the largest and most authoritative private-sector survey of business conditions in the UK, records an economy in stasis following the relentless uncertainty surrounding Brexit and changes in the global economy. Firms remain deeply frustrated and angry that they do not have clarify on either future training arrangements or the business environment here at home. Many businesses and investors will continue to put off major decisions through the summer and into autumn, hoping for a breakthrough in the Westminster impasse that avoids a messy and disorderly Brexit on the 31st October.  

The Sussex Chamber is one of 53 Accredited Chambers in the UK. The British Chamber network, which represents 75,000 firms of all sizes and sectors, employing 6 million people has presented the following proposals to the new Prime Minister. 


  • Avoid a messy and disorderly Brexit 
  • Step up government planning and enable businesses to plan for all scenarios 
  • Automatic registration for key trade simplifications 
  • Ensure continuity of trading conditions with third countries, 
  • Clarify intentions on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund 


  • A one-year moratorium on all policy measures that increase business costs 
  • Ensure all businesses benefit from rates holidays on new property builds and improvements 
  • Launch a root and brand review of current business rates system   


  • Protect funding for education and training 
  • Reform apprenticeship funding and standards 
  • Deliver a light-touch, streamlined immigration system that works for business 


  • Reaffirm commitment to major projects 
  • Commit to clear UK energy strategy 
  • Back industry proposals to eliminate mobile not spots 
  • Funding to clear backlog of local road improvements 

 British businesses have proved time and again their resilience and adaptability, but they need support and the right conditions to achieve their full potential. 

Firms want to see concrete and deliverable plans to tackle barriers to growth here at home, boosting the UK’s global reputation as the place to invest and trade. When business thrives, people and communities thrive too. Most importantly, we want the incoming government to go all out to avoid a messy and disorderly Brexit, which would bring pain and disruption to communities and businesses across the UK.  

We call on the new Prime Minister to work together in a true partnership with business. Deep and effective engagement with Chamber business communities, as well as wider business interests will ensure that policymaking has economic growth and wellbeing at its core. 

Businesses in Sussex, who wish to raise any business concerns, should email:  

Ana Christie, Chief Executive, Sussex Chamber