Table Talk Foundation launch event

8th August 2021

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On 14th June 2021, guests were welcomed at the Ridgeview Wine Estate in Ditchling, East Sussex to celebrate the launch of Table Talk Foundation, a new charity aiming to support local hospitality education and sector professionals.

Table Talk Foundation has two support channels: the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts’ Adopt a School programme and Hospitality Action, for whom it raised £26,500 on the night of the inaugural event.

The Adopt a School charity allocates grants for primary schools to teach children about the importance of food, from provenance and sustainability to nutrition and cooking, while Hospitality Action is there to support workers who may have fallen out of luck or need a helping hand to see them through a difficult patch in their career. 

Table Talk is planning a series of fundraising events, with the next one to be held at the Arundel Castle Cricket Club on September 3rd. You can also support the foundation through hosting your own events, with direct donations, by making it a beneficiary charity to your business, or through word of mouth. 

Co-founder of Table Talk Daniel Wade said the launch event “was a great success. Thanks to our supporters, we raised £26,500, which is unbelievable. 

“With these fundraisers our goal is to ensure that we can support people locally through the Adopt a School programme and Hospitality Action as well as on projects of our own. We are currently working on a bid to build a kitchen for children to learn the many joys and benefits of cooking.”

“It’s so important to get involved in the local community for such a great cause. We have an obesity crisis in this country, the hospitality industry has spent the past year on its knees and we want to provide solutions to these problems at a local level.

“Most of our support comes from local businesses and it’s great to see; every contribution gives us a kickstart to get on with the work that we want to do, from summer grants for hospitality workers to take their children on days out to school uniforms for children whose parents have run into difficult times.”

In the meantime, if you would like to support the Table Talk Foundation, visit their website at