TEDxBrighton is back! And this year they’ve really ‘Got Our Attention’

7th March 2024

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Filling the Brighton Dome for one whole day of joy, ideas and inspiration, TEDxBrighton is set to be an unforgettable day for everyone in the audience.

It’s all happening on Friday 5th April from 9am to 5pm, and whether you’re going it alone, or taking the whole team with you, there are many exciting reasons not to miss this one.

Twenty-plus speakers and performers will be stepping up to the famous Red Dot, to share big ideas for the future and to get us all thinking differently about what might be possible. Toby Moore, the curator for TEDxBrighton, who has been growing the event for over 10 years, told SBT: “My aim with TEDxBrighton 2024 is to surprise the audience, show them ideas, stories and experiences they never knew existed. From the complex worlds that live in the soil beneath our feet, to what humanity in space might look like in 1,000 years’ time.”

But what is TEDx? And why has this simple concept of someone standing on a stage for 15 minutes, managed to sweep across almost every person on the planet?

The TED (the big brother of TEDx) story goes back to the 1980s to a small, university campus conference. After a decade of stops and starts, the event was picked up by Media maverick Chris Anderson, who took it on its journey to becoming what it is today. A worldwide, non-profit platform for Ideas Worth Spreading.

Big TED events (as Toby Moore calls them) happen just a few times a year, and can cost around $10,000 to attend! TEDx events, on the other hand, happen as many as 2,000 times a year and have strict rules for making them accessible and affordable so wider communities can get to experience TED-esque thinking.

TEDxBrighton though is a bit different to your normal TEDx. Most TEDx events are only allowed to host an audience of 100, rely heavily on sponsorship and maybe run for an evening or for a few hours.

TEDxBrighton is both a jewel in the crown for Brighton and for TEDx, with well over 1,000 people in the audience and exciting, free exhibiting opportunities for local entrepreneurs and artists.  There’s also an unparalleled community tickets programme that gives more than 150 free tickets to charities across the city!

Toby is clearly passionate about TEDxBrighton and finished by saying: “Our long and deep connection to our own community, plus our great relationship with [Big] TED allows us to offer some really exciting things that just aren’t possible for other events around the world.”


Friday 5th April, The Brighton Dome, 9am – 5pm

Tickets from £47, available at TEDxBrighton.com