The 3 Peaks Challenge – We made it!

19th August 2015

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What can I say…that was one of the hardest Challenges we have ever faced, the whole team really pushed themselves and the sense of achievement after Snowden was huge!

As you can see from the picture, we all started with smiles on our faces, some would say, naive! The weather may look dull in the picture but this was perfect conditions for climbing and we were all pretty pleased!

Ben Nevis began at 7.30am and was a tough continuous trek through what felt like every season possible, towards the summit it was so cold that were still snow fields. Once we
reached the summit we stopped for a quick pit stop, a few selfies and then it was straight back down. The descent was a lot harder than we had anticipated, we had to concentrate and try and choose the best route down – our guide was amazing and without him I am sure we would have got lost on numerous occasions!

Smiles still on our faces we reached the base of Ben Nevis and it was back on to the mini bus to Scafell Pike – the traveling took a lot out of you and the whole group really struggled to get comfortable.

As we were nearing Scafell Pike the sun was setting and we knew we would be climbing this mountain in the dark. A quick change of clothes, enough food to keep you going and a head torch and we were ready to begin our second mountain. This was a tough climb, the dark and lack of sleep really made you aware of your surroundings and the magnitude of the climb, there were times when you could only see the circle of light from your head torch and it took every ounce of mental and physical strength to get to the summit. Our descent couldn’t come quick enough and we were all desperate to get off Scafell – this was the climb that all of us found tough, but completing it meant we only had one more to go!!

We arrived at Snowden early in the morning and after stretching out our aches and pains we prepared our ruck sacks for the final summit. We were all tired, stiff and struggling to comprehend how this climb was going to be possible but our team spirit and sheer determination meant we got to the summit in pretty good time – we made it, we had reached all 3 Peaks and seen some breath-taking scenery along the way. But wait, we had to get back down again!

Finally, back at the mini bus we couldn’t quite believe we made it – it didn’t quite feel real and that was probably down to exhaustion! We were so proud of ourselves individually and as a team – we worked brilliantly together and the fact that we have raised just over £7,200 for the Spinal Injuries Association is the cherry on the cake!

Now we are looking forward to our celebratory event on 10 September at the Brighton Dome and we are looking forward to thanking all of our sponsors and donating the funds raised to the SIA – there is still time to donate

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