The accredited Chamber Network blueprint to drive net-zero transition

8th February 2024

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By Ana Christie, CEO, Sussex Chamber of Commerce.

The British Chambers of Commerce ‘Green Innovation Challenge’ report has outlined a series of proposals for policymakers to help accelerate the UK’s transition to net-zero.

Among the recommendations in the report are:

• A new public body to oversee delivery of core climate policies

• Strengthened resources for independent Climate Change Committee (CCC)

• A robust Green Industrial Strategy from Government

• A permanent cross-sector approach to green jobs from policymakers

• Quicker Government action on financing the transition to net-zero through the tax system

The Green Innovation report was published at an event hosted by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce at the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland. 

It is the first of five policy documents being published by the British Chamber’s new Business Council as part of the ‘Future of Economy’ project. The report draws on expertise from businesses of all sizes and sectors, academia and think-tanks.

The report acknowledges that the “UK has one of the most substantial legal frameworks for climate change anywhere in the world.” However, it also makes clear that “significant challenges ahead” and policy gaps remain.

Establishing a new public body focused on climate delivery, the report says, would ensure genuine cross party working to agree long-term commitments. Strengthened resources for the CCC would give it the capacity to provide deeper analysis of specific sectors. 

The report highlights the clear call from investors that current green industrial policies need to be brought together into a long-term, cross cutting strategy.

In order to maintain the country’s progress on climate the report also recommends linking the UK and EU emissions trading schemes, implementing energy grid upgrades and establishing deeper business and Government partnerships.

The report concludes “we are now entering a crunch phase for delivery on net zero” and recognises that “many of the necessary policy measures involve changes to supply chains to customer and business behaviours, and in some cases additional cost burdens at least in the short term”.

Martha Lane Fox, President of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) and Chair of the Business Council said: “One of the most pressing challenges for all businesses is the transition to a green and sustainable future. We will have no habitable planet if we don’t encourage rapid and effective actions.

“Our report outlines clear and realistic recommendations to accelerate the UK’s transition to net-zero. A robust strategy focused on delivery across the economy must be underpinned by clear and consistent messaging from Government. 

“BCC research and engagement with businesses tells us that firms of all sizes want to play their part, but face barriers along the way. 

“This report showcases the power of the BCC’s Business Council to assess the key challenges facing the economy head on. The council members are excited about seizing the opportunity to build a sustainable economy that works for all.   

“This is just the start of our Business Council work. We look forward to publishing our other key challenge reports in the coming weeks. In the busy political year ahead, our recommendations will provide a crucial blueprint to help build the future of the economy.”   

Entrepreneur Lisa Witter, Chair of Green Innovation Challenge Group said:

“The UK has the potential to lead the world in Green Innovation. We believe our report gives policymakers a springboard to unlock that potential.

“All of our recommendations are pragmatic and with political support can be implemented in a timely manner.

“I’ve been delighted to chair our meetings over recent months, bringing together some of the UK’s most prominent businesses alongside leading academics. The message is clear – business can, and will, play a leadership role in sustainably transforming our economy.

“The UK is on the right track. This report’s recommendations can propel British businesses into a global leadership role, seizing the opportunity of becoming the agents of change.”

James Close, Head of Climate Change at NatWest Group, and member of the BCC Business Council said: “As the first major economy to enshrine net zero into law, the UK has already seen strong progress on our decarbonisation journey. 

“However, we know that the next stage will require greater collaboration across the public and private sector to reach net zero by 2050.

“At NatWest, and as highlighted in the Green Innovation Challenge Report, we see that many businesses are determined to play their part in supporting both decarbonisation and green innovation and have the potential to unlock significant revenue for themselves as well as enable the country to meet its climate commitments.”

The above report is part of a series of five policy areas and documents which will develop realistic recommendations for the future of the UK economy, focusing on Green Innovation, People and Work, Local Economy of the Future, Digital Revolution and Global Britain.

The full report and commentary on the blueprint to drive the net zero transition can be found on our website news: