The benefits of programmatic advertising

11th April 2023

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Following the recent report by Statista that predicts global digital advertising revenue will surpass one trillion US dollars by 2027, leading omnichannel programmatic data specialist Crimtan is emphasising the best approach to reach and target the right consumer, at the right time and at the right cost by using programmatic advertising.

Programmatic advertising is the process of buying and selling advertising space that gives marketers and businesses total visibility over a campaign, to see exactly where the ads are being placed, who is viewing them and when. It is predicted that by 2026, 86% of overall digital advertising revenue will come from programmatic advertising, so it is vital that businesses get ahead of the game to truly understand its value and the benefits it brings to a business.

As programmatic ads are scalable, they are mutually beneficial for businesses of any size however big or small a budget may be. Businesses can set a maximum spend for a campaign so that they do not overspend, and with millions of ad spaces being sold by the second, campaigns can have a much larger reach compared to other forms of advertising.

One of the biggest benefits to a business is how specific programmatic adverting can be targeted. Multiple different factors can be segmented and targeted, such as location, , behaviour and even the weather. For example, if pollen count is high in a particular area, hay fever medication can be targeted to that specific area. As all data is analysed in real-time, marketers can clearly see the return of investment of campaigns and have the ability to make adjustments in real-time to adapt as necessary.

Andy Houstoun, Chief Commercial Officer at Crimtan, said: “Programmatic advertising is increasingly becoming the go to advertising option for businesses globally, due to its easily accessible real-time reach across many different platforms and channels. Programmatic advertising should be included in every marketing strategy to ensure maximum return on investment, no matter how big or small a budget you have.

“Crimtan’s dynamic creative platform can deliver thousands of variations of creative and messaging to a brand’s prospects and customers. Our unique, independent technology enables us to build client-centric programmatic solutions that deliver the performance you need.”

And with audio and video programmatic becoming more popular, there have never been so many ways for marketers to reach the target consumer, at the right time and at the right touchpoint.

Crimtan is a compliant and trusted partner and been awarded the TAG Brand Safety Certified Seal by the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) after demonstrating its compliance with brand safety standards. This award recognises that Crimtan meets industry best practices, giving brands the confidence that all advertising produced will not be associated with content that could jeopardise brand reputation. Crimtan works with businesses to create powerful campaigns that grow the value of online sales and increase in-store footfall, supported by exceptional expertise and customer service. To maximise return on investment and to begin incorporating programmatic advertising into your business, get in touch with the experts at Crimtan today at