The future of good business: #EthicalHour and The Good Business Club announce partnership

10th July 2023

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The capital-C Community is one of the most important things when it comes to the success of the Good Business Club. It’s with this idea in mind that they are delighted to announce something new. A new collaboration. A new partnership. A new extension of their community.

Now is the time for the ethical and sustainable community to come together. With rising costs, declining consumer spending and a palpable drop in standard of living, choices for consumers and purchasing managers are getting harder and harder. This impacts every ethical, sustainable and moral business and the people in their supply chains.

That’s why the sector’s two largest communities are partnering to provide the greatest level of support for ethical and sustainable SMEs that the sector has ever seen.

Over the last 6 months, The Good Business Club and #EthicalHour have been in extensive talks to design and build a partnership that is capable of supporting every business feeling the squeeze.

#EthicalHour’s award-winning online training library is freely available to all ethical, sustainable and moral businesses in need of support with their brand, impact, marketing and sales. 

Thanks to this new partnership, all members of The Good Business Club will now be able to apply for a place on The #EthicalHour Accelerator, receiving specialist one-to-one support through business coaching and expert marketing, sales and branding advice from industry-leading experts.

Times are tough. That’s why members of The Good Business Club will get access to the #EthicalHour Accelerator at no extra cost.

Through this partnership, #EthicalHour Accelerator members will get access to The Good Business Club’s peer support, networking opportunities (Networking for Results and Good Business Meetups) and a co-sponsored programme of events which are launching later this year.

Ethical and sustainable businesses are key to ensuring a fairer future for everyone. With cost of living and cost of doing business at the forefront of the sector’s mind, this partnership allows #EthicalHour and The Good Business Club to create the networks, events and support that the sector needs, to ensure that every ethical, sustainable and moral business cannot only survive, but truly thrive.

About #EthicalHour

For 7 years, #EthicalHour has been starting the conversations that matter. When #EthicalHour began, the world was a very different place. Pre Blue Planet II and the surge in plastic pollution awareness. Pre roll out of the Paris Agreement. Pre Climate Change Act, COP26 and the landmark pledges committed. 

In the greatest decade of climate change awareness,
has been at the cutting-edge.

Our community and training has launched and grown thousands of eco challenger brands. Our campaigning and advocacy work has taken the message mainstream. Our sustained action has influenced change.

Our Founder Sian Conway-Wood was a Year of Green Action Ambassador for the UK government and was named the UK’s Sustainability Influencer of the Year in 2018 and 2020. She was listed as one of ‘40 Women In Tech To Watch’ in 2020 and has won multiple awards for her business and social impact. 

As author of the book “Buy Better Consume Less Create Real Environmental Change” (published 2022 with Icon Books), Sian is a regular media commentator on sustainability, conscious consumerism and greenwashing in print, radio and television around the world.

The world has changed, #EthicalHour is changing too. We’re going to make the next decade the most impactful yet. 

In 2022 we launched the UK’s fastest growing climate, nature and quality of life focused news site. We ran #ShopEthicalInstead to advocate for, and ensure the survival of, the sector’s most vibrant and impactful small businesses, which will return in 2023. We have plans in place to increase the accessibility of our community and training programme, during what is a difficult time for small and medium sized ethical businesses, and we are partnering with other sector leaders to drive the impact this decade requires.


In the UK, it’s been reported that almost 60% of small businesses fail in their first three years of their life. While research might site many reasons for failure from no market fit, to poor pricing and costs, from cash flow problems, to poor execution of sales and marketing campaigns, what we find is common amongst the 40% of businesses that enable them to be more resilient through tough times, is the existence of a well-established network around the founder and team.

Seventy-five per cent of small business owners reported that networking helped them secure new resources and companies with strong networks are found to have more accurate information and make better decisions.

Running a business is tough. You are dealing with situations and decisions on a daily basis to ensure you continue to exist. That is never going to change. If you are feeling isolated, under-resourced, and stretched thin, your chances of survival are slim.

It’s not enough to simply hope you will bounce back after a challenge or setback. We enable good business owners to take control of something that gives them a better chance of survival. Having a strong, diverse network to lean on when times are tough.

Networking. A word that makes most people feel queasy because of their negative experiences to date. Maybe you have walked into a room and immediately felt you have to put on a mask and act in a certain way. Maybe you have been spammed with emails for something you don’t need. Or perhaps you feel you should know what you are doing so never as for help.

At the Good Business Club we see networking as growing a community around your venture so you are resilient and able to weather adversity, especially in times of uncertainty and change.

But networking isn’t something that is taught to business owners and there aren’t enough spaces that are intentionally designed to make it easy and enjoyable to do.

At The Good Business Club, we enable good business owners to build resilient ventures by providing the knowledge, tools, and space to build a community around their business and lean into their networks when they need it most.

We’re here to help good business owners like you build resilient ventures, because we really are stronger together.