The ‘ginista’ building a global drinks brand in Brighton

8th March 2023

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Kathy Caton founded Brighton Gin ten years ago to epitomise the Spirit of Brighton: unusual, fun-loving, fiercely independent and ethically conscious. 

Based at the city’s first (legal!) distillery, she and her team of ‘ginistas’ produce super-premium, multi-award-winning Brighton Gin, just a stone’s throw away from the sea. 

Their mission is to take the Spirit of Brighton to the world – Kathy wants to build a global drinks brand, producing gin sustainably and with the highest quality at its core. She believes that business can be a force for good and so wants Brighton Gin to be part of the solution, not the problem and to contribute positively to the community in which we are rooted. 

If there is a choice between one way and the better way, they take the better way. Choosing 100% organic wheat spirit as their base alcohol, using a UK-made bottle that is at least 50% recycled glass sourced from beaches and making their local deliveries by e-Cargo bike rather than van all serve to limit their carbon footprint as much as possible! Brighton Gin is the UK’s first vegan certified gin, including not only the liquid, but the packaging, label gum and wax top. 

Alongside the host of eco-friendly credentials, the team that produces, sells and delivers Brighton Gin (as well as doing everything else it takes to run an independent business!) is made up predominantly of women. More than 70% of the ginistas identify as female, a significant number of the Brighton Gin team are LGBTQ, there’s a range in age from mid-twenties to almost-80 and team members are from all sorts of different backgrounds.  

As with just about all industries, the spirits industry is largely male-dominated but this group could not be further from that norm. It’s always important to see lasting examples of female excellence in any walk of life and the team Kathy has built is very much testament to that, putting women-in-gin on the map for almost a decade. Being not just the only women in many rooms but also the only LGBTQ people in others has meant this is a business unafraid to be different from the rest, and in fact one which is exceedingly proud of its differences. Can you think of another gin brand where the founder’s Mum is the one who fills, waxes and labels the bottles? Where the distiller is an ex-ballerina? We could go on! 

Every year Brighton Gin collaborates with a different local LGBTQ artist to create a gorgeous, limited edition bottle design to celebrate Brighton Pride and raise money for the Rainbow Fund, as well as to give to unsung community heroes to say thank you for all the hidden hard work they do. Keep your eyes peeled for this year’s limited edition… 

Kathy’s background in working in the community and voluntary sector has totally informed the Brighton Gin ethos. She presents a weekly community-focussed show on BBC Sussex & BBC Surrey which is all about championing other women and getting their stories told on air. In the brilliant collaborative spirit of Brighton & Hove and the area around it, specifically focussed on supporting female entrepreneurs. 

Brighton Gin also runs a “Community Spirit” programme which offers the donation of stock to support community and voluntary groups. 

They also work closely with the Universities to provide placements for students and Kathy is a regular speaker at the Universities.   

The Brighton Gin journey shows ten years of joyful difference from the norm, exceedingly ethical production, and glorious local booze-making. There have been challenges a-plenty and with the world in its current tempest there will no doubt be many more to come but, as with many things, aren’t all difficult things better faced with a fine gin in hand? Cheers! 

To come and experience Brighton Gin for yourself (or to refill your empty bottle of gin and save £5) Come and see the distillery at 35a Vale Rd, Portslade, Brighton & Hove, BN41 1GD 

Book onto a distillery tour, a gin school or just pop in for a chat!

@brightonginstergram (Instagram 

@brightongin (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok)