The importance of implementing sustainable practices within programmatic and the ad-tech space – and how to do it

5th August 2023

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Crimtan says both short and long-term implications of environmental impact.

Digital advertising has an increasing negative impact on the environment, due to the vast amount of computer power required to transfer data and bet on and serve ads to consumers. The energy used for programmatic advertising has a significant impact on carbon emissions worldwide. As such, programmatic specialist Crimtan is weighing in on the impact of the structure and technology used to create these ads and how to adapt responsibly to the landscape.

A report found that the total emissions for a mock digital advertising campaign came to 323 tons of CO2eq, which is roughly the annual carbon footprint of 16 American citizens[1]. Furthermore, with the internet producing more greenhouse emissions annually than the aviation industry[2] through elements such as 5G and ad exchange, digital marketers need to consider ways to reduce carbon footprint, while also delivering results.

Reducing the load time of an ad means using less data to bring the ad to fruition. Some creative formats and sizes have a longer load time due to compression type, frame rate, view length and screen sizes, which can impact the weight of the file, the amount of data transfer needed and, therefore, the overall carbon emissions of the ad. To reduce the load time of an ad, marketers can use display rather than video, as a 15-second video ad can produce 85% higher carbon emissions than display due to the load times and the amount of data needed to process the ad.

It is not only the load time that uses large amounts of data, but also the heavier the colour, the more data is needed to process it. Crimtan advises creatives to consider using lighter colours and one or two shades only to decrease emissions by up to 16%.

Advertisers should also consider compressing display ads and using smaller display formats. For example, a billboard produces 1,508% more emissions than a 300×50 mobile banner. Converting display ads into a more compressed format will also help to preserve the image quality. Images can also be optimised by compressing and resizing them and saving them in smaller formats like a JPEG.

Going forward, it is vital for businesses to futureproof campaigns, adopting new methods to make a positive impact on the environment while also creating successful campaigns. One effective tool available is Crimtan’s attention time tool, which enables advertisers to optimise and measure metrics beyond viewability and gain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of campaigns. Recent studies have shown that by eliminating advertising from domains with attention times below 0.5 seconds, carbon emissions can be reduced by up to 63%.

Another key strategy is implementing the correct frequency capping. Overwhelming consumers with excessive ad frequency not only strains the consumer-brand relationship but also contributes to unnecessary carbon footprint. By setting appropriate frequency caps, advertisers ensure that their customers receive timely and relevant communications without being overwhelmed, effectively reducing carbon emissions.

Furthermore, streamlining the programmatic bidding process can lead to significant reductions in carbon emissions. Simplifying the involvement of multiple marketplaces and intermediaries minimises the number of calculations and reseller chains involved, resulting in a lower environmental impact. By reducing the number of stakeholders in the auction process, advertisers can contribute to the overall reduction of carbon emissions in the advertising ecosystem.

Paul Goad, CEO at Crimtan, said: “When we consider our environmental impact and strive to minimise our footprint on this planet, we must consider both the short-term and long-term implications.

“We are working diligently, both internally and with our clients, to reduce our long-term carbon footprint, helping to mitigate issues that jeopardise the future of humanity and our planet.”

If you’d like to know more about improving the sustainability of your programmatic campaigns, you can download Crimtan’s guide here: