The Inclusive Employers Jobs Fair

13th September 2022

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Hannah Jackson, Membership and Marketing Manager at Brighton Chamber, explains how the event will help businesses find the skills and talent they need.

On 12 October, Brighton Chamber, The Trust for Developing Communities and the Jobcentre are hosting The Inclusive Employer Jobs Fair at the Brighthelm Centre, to help local employers with job vacancies to find the skills and talent they need.

The Jobs Fair will connect employers with those looking for work, including new arrivals from other countries in Brighton (including those from Ukraine).

How did it come about?

The Chamber team started joining weekly gatherings with the Network of International Women in May, meeting people arriving in the Brighton area from Ukraine, who are looking for work – offering practical support and to see if there are any ways that the Brighton business community could come together to help. 

And one area that new arrivals need some extra support is finding employment. While some need help with English, many are work-ready and just need help finding the right employer. 

Among those looking for work are lawyers, architecture graduates, project managers, language teachers – plus those with finance, IT, event management and software skills, or those who would like to work in hospitality. 

So, over the past few months, alongside the help of Chamber members, and working with the Job Centre and charities like the Network of International Women, the Chamber team have been having conversations with local businesses about vacancies they have, and what they’re looking for. 

How are we doing it?

Brighton Chamber has a large network of businesses, including Chamber members and employers who are signed up to the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign. These span all sectors and size of company, and many are keen and able to help in various ways, from offering mentoring, work experience opportunities, or sharing job vacancies. 

Whatever size or sector of employer you are, it’s always important to get the right person for the right jobs. It’s against this backdrop that the Chamber has started matching people with jobs – helping people from Ukraine and other refugees who are eligible to work, find work. 

Through match-making of skills (where possible), involving support organisations to help with CV writing and interviews, and curating opportunities to bring employers and those looking for work together. 

So what is the Inclusive Employers Jobs Fair, and what can your business do?

Making these connections between those looking for work, local employers, businesses and organisations supporting these groups has begun to gain momentum. Looking at more ways we can connect the local business community with people with English as an additional language who are  looking for employment, Brighton Chamber has come together with Trust for Developing Communities and the Jobs Centre to organise The Inclusive Employers Jobs Fair on 12 October, at the Brighthelm Centre

It aims to create an opportunity to help local employers with job vacancies to find the skills and talent they want. 

If you have a job vacancy you’d like us to share with this growing network, send an email to 

Special thanks for their support to: Michelle Westbury, Estelle Dingley, Sandra Murphy, Helen Vane, Emma Cleary, Hilary Ellis.