The NEW Community that is Connecting Brighton

3rd December 2021

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In this month’s lifestyle special we caught up with Lyndsey Clay, founder of ‘Connected Brighton’, the new community that is bringing people together in our city. 

Lyndsey tell us about you and how you came to start Connected Brighton?

In my 30s I discovered I was highly unlikely to have children, went through IVF twice, had a miscarriage and my marriage broke down a year later from the stress of it.

My friendship circle changed exponentially when I didn’t have children and became single. And it was tough to not fit in and feel left out.

Fast forward (almost) ten years and I’ve embraced being the odd one out! I’m happy with the road my life has taken and I wouldn’t change it. The freedom has allowed me to travel, work where I’ve wanted, learn new skills, meet brilliant people and live by my own rules.

Being different helped me to create my business in lockdown – Connected Brighton. Helping those who also need connection, in singles or couples, it brings together like-minded people and gives back through events that support local businesses.

Tell us what Connected Brighton is and what you offer your members?

Connected Brighton is an inclusive community dedicated to connecting men and women and supporting our local businesses.

Whether you are single, in a couple, new to the city, been here forever, just want to meet new people, expand your network or try new things then we have something for you!


Connecting city singles looking for a new wingman or wingwoman, a plus one, new friends or true love. Small groups doing fun things across the city. Ditch the apps and meet new people IRL (in real life!).


Our city is full of bright and brilliant business minds, nowhere is more entrepreneurial than sunny Brighton! Join us to share ideas and create a support network for local businesses to flourish post lockdown.


Our social club brings small groups together to meet new people, make new connections and enjoy the best hospitality the city has to offer. Single, coupled up, local or new to the area, be part of our club!

Tell us when you started Connected Brighton and why you launched a social events business during a global pandemic?

I started Connected Brighton officially in April this year, registering as a limited company before I’d even held a single event. Crazy right? A social events business in a pandemic?

But I passionately believed it would be successful. Build it and they will come was, and still is, my attitude (channeling my inner Kevin Costner from Field of Dreams)! 

Because there had to be other people in the city who, like me, were looking to meet new people and do fun things together that would support local business. Coming together after so much time apart in this crazy pandemic.

And you have come. And I can’t tell you how validating it is every time I meet you, hear your stories and feel the connection. This community, and our events programme, is building and I’m loving watching it grow.

From not being allowed to hold events at all, to being outside only, to groups of six indoors to getting groups of us eating out, kayaking, treasure hunting, escaping from escape rooms, taking tours and tasting the cities best food and drink. Overcoming every challenge to bring people together.

I’ve loved being partnered with Visit Brighton, featuring in The Argus, interviewed on Podcasts and Radio Shows and being asked to speak at an event on Female Founders. It’s been brilliant and at times overwhelming. I’m learning so much and working hard to improve and develop what we offer so we can give you more!

With a packed events calendar in December for Connected Brighton, what does 2022 have in store?

2022 we have so many brilliant new events to add to our portfolio with dinners at brilliant restaurants like the Salt Room, Murmur, Wild Flor and Copper Clam. Walking tours and cookery classes as well as escape rooms, pub quizzes and dance classes! We are also launching our membership which will enable us to support more local businesses with member only discounts and offers.

To find out more about the amazing events and join this growing community visit