The Power of Storytelling: Creating connections through narrative

13th August 2024

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“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” – Jimmy Neil Smith, Director of the International Storytelling Center.

This profound insight beautifully captures the essence of our mission at County Business Clubs Sussex, writes Sam Thomas.

As a passionate advocate for the power of storytelling, I believe that it is at the core of everything we do. From Sussex Business Times and the Different Hats Podcast to the Brighton Business Show on RadioReverb and our various events, storytelling is woven into our DNA.

Our VAP (Value Added Partner) Top Table storytelling lunches and dinners epitomise this belief. Recently, we hosted an extraordinary event at the magnificent Brighton & Hove Museums Royal Pavilion, a setting that added a touch of magic to the evening. The event was expertly documented by the talented Howie McConnell, who captured the essence of the gathering through his lens.

So, what makes our storytelling events so unique?

We bring together 10 of our VAP partners in an intimate and engaging setting, where the true power of storytelling unfolds. Here’s how it works:

1. Insightful Conversations: Each participant selects a conversation card with a thought-provoking question. These cards serve as catalysts for deep and meaningful discussions.

2. Shared Experiences: Over drinks and delectable food, we share stories and build connections. The atmosphere is relaxed, fostering genuine interactions.

3. Personal Narratives: At the end of the meal, each person answers their selected question, sharing personal stories that reveal aspects of their lives seldom discussed at typical networking events.

4. Different Hats: To add a touch of fun, everyone wears a different hat, symbolizing the various roles we play in our lives and emphasizing the diversity of our experiences.

The result? An event unlike any other, where participants leave with a profound understanding of one another. Relationships are forged on a deeper level, grounded in the shared experience of storytelling.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all our partners who embrace these events with such enthusiasm and openness, sharing their powerful and wonderful stories. Last month’s event at the iconic Royal Pavilion was particularly special. I am grateful to Richard Bates, Carole Gilling-Smith, Jackie Irving-Wilkinson (Ashwood), Kyriakos Baxevanis, Jason Edge, James Mallinson CFP Chartered FCSI, Rose Macfarlane, and Tom Webster for their participation. A special thank you to Nostos Hove for the exquisite food.

Our storytelling events are a testament to the strength of human connection through narrative. They remind us that behind every professional title and business card lies a unique story waiting to be told. By sharing these stories, we build communities that are more cohesive, empathetic, and resilient.

As we continue to host these storytelling gatherings, I look forward to the many stories yet to be shared and the deeper connections yet to be made. Join us, and discover the transformative power of storytelling.

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