The Snowman™ Spectacular Christmas Appeal 2019 for Chestnut Tree House

12th December 2019

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Our son Theo lived for 6 weeks and 2 days – and we spent the last month of his short life together at Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice.  

It felt like home. There were no sterilised corridors, no tubes, no machines beeping. We were greeted by a lovely nurse who gave Theo a brand-new cot and a blue teddy bear to put next to him. 

Chestnut showed us how to care for Theo – and thanks to them we can remember the times we fed him, changed him, sang songs, took him to the zoo. Every day at Chestnut became a precious memory. 

Today I’d like to ask for your help in bringing a spectacular, magical, Christmas to all the children this wonderful local charity will be caring for this Christmas. 

This year, Raymond Briggs’ beloved character The Snowman™ is once again leading the fundraising campaign to find the £116,450 Chestnut will spend on care for children like Theo over the holidays. One hour’s nursing care for a child like him costs £35.70. A gift from you this Christmas could allow another child, another family, to have precious moments together. Moments that will become the most treasured memories. 

Please, support Chestnut Tree House, your local children’s hospice. Because like The Snowman did in Raymond Briggs’s famous story, your donation could transform a child’s life this Christmas.

To donate online visit:  

With every best wish to you and your family, 
