The Storytelling Retreat – a game changer for business

11th April 2023

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Sam Thomas announces a brand new partnership – and retreat – that harnesses the power of storytelling in a truly all-embracing way. 

Storytelling has been a fundamental part of human communication since the beginning of time. It is how we transmit knowledge, teach lessons and share experiences. Storytelling has the power to captivate our imaginations and connect us on an emotional level. In recent years, businesses have recognised the importance of storytelling and have started to incorporate it into their marketing and branding strategies. It is also the essence of what County Business Clubs is about.

Many people would have heard me talk and shout from the rooftops over the last six to 12 months about our process last year we did with the amazing Terry Bower and Gareth Dimelow, of Inside Stories. 

This was hands down the most game-changing experience I’ve had since I’ve been in business. How we articulate, communicate, and tell our stories is what makes our businesses unique. 

Gareth and Terry delve deep and unlock your narrative so that your story is:

• Meaningful

• Memorable 

• Moving 

The process was a HUGE turning point for County Business Clubs Sussex and gave me and the team a clear direction and vision to take the business forward, and that we have done. That is why we have come together for something really special. 

The Retreat

Business or pleasure? How about both!

Convention doesn’t stand out, it’s there to be challenged, refined and perfected. 

It’s the same with your business. You need an edge. Something that’s true to your values and who you are. It’s the thing that sets you apart in a genuine, authentic and honest way. So that customers, investors, collaborators and suppliers truly understand why you exist and what unique value to bring to the market. 

Hosted and led by Inside Stories and County Business Clubs, The Retreat is the perfect opportunity to refine, reshape and rediscover the story of your business. It’s not for everyone. There’s work to be done. 

You’ll arrive with an open mind, a hunger and willingness to roll up your sleeves. All in the name of bigger market awareness, increased revenue and mutually rewarding collaborations for you and your business. 

Join us to work and play in the beautiful surroundings of Alexandra House Hotel and Spa for two & a half days of work and relaxation. 

You’ll join a small select group of business owners from different backgrounds and industries for an intensive deep dive and Business Story development Workshop, fine dining, 5-star spa and health club. All finished off with a personal and group Podcast interview and recording to showcase your new narrative / story skills with Sam Thomas. 

In these challenging times, we’re all searching for an edge. But we don’t need to re-invent the wheel. What’s needed is a re-education of our mindset to create a story for our business that’s meaningful, memorable and moving. 

As you know, I believe everyone has a story to tell – so wherever you are on your business journey, how you tell your story is the key and the retreat will provide that opportunity.

This will be a game changer for your business. 

For more information or to register your interest contact me as spaces are limited:

Itinerary for The Retreat, 10th-12th July 2023. Alexandra House, Spa Hotel

Day 1 (10th July)
Arrive 2:00 pm 

• Check-in and welcome

• Inside Stories / County Business Clubs 

• Inside stories will set the scene and talk through the process 

• Guest will have time to relax and make use of the spa facilities 

8:00 pm Private dining – Dinner 

Day 2 (11th July)
09:30 am 

• Exercise 1 Feel | Think | Know | Do 

• Exercise 2 Golden Circle: Why | How | What 

• Exercise 3 Archetypes 

1:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch 

• Exercise 4 Manifesto 

• Exercise 5 Elevator Pitch 

• Guest will have time to relax and make use of the spa facilities 

8:00 pm Dinner & surprise guest speaker (tbc) 

Day 3 (12th July)
09:00 am 

• Exercise 6: Hero’s Journey 

• County Business Clubs Podcast / Q&A with Sam

• Putting the skills you have learnt into practice and sharing your story 

1:00 pm Lunch 

2:30 pm Wrap up and Finish 

Join us for this exclusive retreat and unlock your story narrative

Cost per person £5750 + VAT