The Technology Award winners, Silicon Brighton

17th May 2021

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We are delighted to have won the Country Business Clubs ‘Technology’ award. It was fantastic to hear Silicon Brighton amongst some other great companies at this year’s virtual awards show.

Our team work endlessly to support the growth of tech in Brighton and are so grateful to have been recognised with this award.  We’d like to thank everyone who nominated us, it’s been humbling to see the incredible support from our local community!

For anyone that doesn’t know about Silicon Brighton – we’re a community-led initiative to support local digital growth. We work hand-in-hand with the local tech community, to provide individuals with free opportunities for networking, training, up-skilling and development and helping people to take their careers and businesses forward.

Over the last year, we’ve had to fully adapt how we support tech growth in Brighton, with all of the meetup groups we support now offering free, high-quality events on a vast range of topics from product development, to data science, to marketing and sales, to coding and cybersecurity. We’ve supported our local community with several initiatives including ‘Silicon Brighton Online for the NHS’ – where our community came together for a ten hour event stream, raising over £2,300 for our local NHS Trust and ‘Our Brighton’ – a new initiative, where we match local businesses that have been impacted by the effects of COVID-19, with volunteer tech advisors offering free and impartial guidance on how to utilise technology and adapt to a now-predominately digital world.

We’ve been in admiration of the resilience and adaptability shown by our meet-up group organisers, event attendees and speakers as they have taken to Zoom for webinars, networking and training – we’ve even been able to start some new groups! In the last year we’ve started Brighton Gophers – a community for anyone interested in Go, the programming language designed by Google, Marketing Talk – a community for up-and-coming marketers, hosted by Bird & Blend’s Head of Brand Catherine Loftus and South Coast Sellers Club – a new community for salespeople at all levels, hosted by Ben Bennett, Founder and Managing Director of Second Voice.

We’re really excited for the future! In just a few months’ time we’ll hopefully be getting back to in-person events and be helping to support even more groups across Brighton. There’s already been an exciting increase in activity in our city as it has started to re-open – you can keep up to date with tech and business news, advice and local events straight to your inbox with our newsletter. Sign up at