The transformative impact of AI on businesses: a closer look at the numbers

12th September 2024

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There’s a lot of hype around generative AI, so at Simpler With AI, we decided to measure the real-world impact that our clients are experiencing. The results paint a clear picture of AI’s transformative power across three key areas: efficiency, engagement, and effectiveness. By Gareth Kemp, Founder of Simpler With AI.

One of the most immediate benefits of AI, as reported by our clients, is its ability to boost efficiency. With an average score of 8.4 out of 10, many have found that using AI saves them at least 30 minutes each day. This time-saving effect is more than just a convenience; it’s a game-changer, allowing professionals to focus on strategic initiatives that drive real value.

Clients also rated AI’s ability to make their workload more manageable at 7.8, suggesting that AI tools help simplify complex processes and make daily tasks less daunting. Additionally, with a score of 7.7, there’s a positive acknowledgment that AI contributes to a better work-life balance.

Engagement: enhancing job satisfaction and motivation

Beyond just saving time, AI is making work more engaging. Our clients reveal that AI allows professionals to focus on more fulfilling tasks, earning a score of 8.7 out of 10. This shift suggests that AI is effectively handling repetitive or less creative tasks, enabling people to engage in work that they find more meaningful and satisfying.

The impact on job satisfaction is also notable, with clients giving an average score of 8.2 out of 10 for how AI helps them enjoy their work more, especially when combined with the fact that AI increases motivation, scoring 7.8.

Effectiveness: unleashing creativity and productivity

Where AI truly shines is in enhancing effectiveness, particularly in fostering creativity and productivity. An impressive 9.0 rating from clients for “AI has helped me be more creative in my role” reflects a new narrative that AI is not just about automation and efficiency – it’s about helping professionals think outside the box and innovate in their roles. We believe this is due to AI’s ability to provide fresh insights without judgement, allowing clients to explore new ideas and approaches quickly and easily.

One of our key metrics, AI has helped me be and feel more productive, scored 8.8, demonstrating that AI is helping professionals accomplish more in less time, making it an invaluable asset in any workplace.

And while we’ve all seen examples of generic, bland AI-generated content, the 8.2 score for “the quality of AI-generated responses are equal to or better than my own” shows that, when people understand how to work with AI, it quickly becomes a trusted partner in their daily tasks.

The bigger picture: AI as a catalyst for change

These insights, based on feedback from our clients, collectively highlight a broader trend: AI is reshaping how we work. It’s not just helping us become more efficient — it’s enhancing our engagement with our work and enabling us to be more effective in our roles.

The high scores across all categories suggest that our clients are not just adapting to AI — they are thriving with it.

How to get started with AI

Adopting AI needs to be done carefully so your team embraces it. We’ve seen that when organisations focus solely on tools, it can strike fear into employees, who then worry about being replaced. But when you focus on showing overworked, stressed-out workers how AI can help them do their job more efficiently and effectively, and make it clear you’re supporting their development, they are much more open to learning.

We offer a free 45-minute workshop that shows you the immediate impact AI can have on your business. During this session, we’ll create an AI Role Plan for your or your team, showing how AI can enhance every role and significantly boost productivity.

And it’s not just talk. We guarantee at least a 300% ROI on our training.

If you’d like to book a session, go to and we’ll show you what’s possible.