The world is looking for contact and content

8th March 2021

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One of the by-products from the COVID19 pandemic’s closure of air routes and travel is a greater willingness for businesses to talk to each other across time zones and continents.

As we become more physically isolated through working from home and are unable to travel, so we are looking for more communications, more contact and more content.

This has been seen in an International Trade promotion project I set up 2 years ago to explore links with specific destinations on the Gatwick Route Map for trade between the UK and those destinations.  I was deliberately targeting Tier 2 destinations – those places that do not first come to mind, but still have a thriving economy.  As they are often in the shadow of other places they seem to be more willing to engage.

It isn’t always easy to find the right people in the right places but, in the majority of cases, any enquiries about discussing closer ties were met with interest.  However, prior to COVID19, there was also a request for me to visit that destination and explain further.

Now that was fine for places like Malaga, Oslo and even Sofia, but visits to The Philippines or Austin and San Diego are a little more expensive and time consuming to arrange.

Since the closure of travel routes, I have found it increasingly easier to engage with like-minded individuals in these other locations and we now have built a network of contacts in around 30 destinations.  It is a shame that there aren’t the flights, but Zoom, Teams and these other methods bring me into daily contact with the world.

So what could this mean for you?

In a nutshell, I believe that around the world there is a real hunger for contact and content.   Reach out to new markets, make enquiries and be

open to the opportunities that are there for you.  Use your networks and start to explore – it’s still a big world, but the distances feel smaller and the world is looking for your contact and your content.

For more, contact Jeremy on 07831 148064 or