There were queens, but the ACUMEN BUSINESS CONVENTION was anything but a drag….

7th July 2022

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A live performance by Britain’s Got Talent finalists, Brighton Queens, FreePlay Sessions, Threesome Networking, Spingo (Sponsors Bingo), Chill Room, Arenas with Local Heroes, Internationally Renowned Speakers – it can only be the ACUMEN BUSINESS CONVENTION 2022!

It would be hard to describe this year’s ACUMEN BUSINESS CONVENTION in one word. Exciting? Tick. Extravagant? Tick. HOT? Double tick. It was another successful event with nearly 300 business decision-makers in the room and plenty are already signing up for next year’s event on the 24th of May 2023 – which Acumen promises to make an even bigger day.  

After a royal entrance accompanied by some of the finest and most fabulous drag queen performers from the heart of Brighton, the delegates gathered in the Empress Room to kick off the event. Every year there is an extraordinary live performance at the Acumen Convention, but this year the crowd was on their feet with a standing ovation for the performance from Ruby Murray, a Britain’s Got Talent finalist and a renowned performer in the LGBTQ+ community. The performance not only moved some to tears but generated spectacular energy and engagement which carried on to the upbeat number from all five of the Queens.

The stage was also graced by an array of diverse speakers including an international businesswoman, philanthropist, and activist, Heather
. As the headline speaker, Mills took centre stage and provided insight on her entrepreneurial journey – the creation and supply of sustainable, plant-based alternative food, nutrition, and cosmetics. 

The marvellous array of speakers also featured Hana Ben-Shabat, a leading Gen Z authority worldwide, who flew all the way from Manhattan, New York; Anthony Willoughby, a business leader and explorer who sailed half the globe, shared his fascinating stories about his travels; Phil Carr, a hugely successful entrepreneur who started in his nan’s bedroom and sold his business for an impressive 7-figure sum; and Karen Dobres, the director of Lewes FC, who described her radical journey in football which lead to less-than-predictable results. Acumen also welcomed the award-winning novelist and business guru, Linzi Boyd, who shared how to switch over to a 21st century mindset and business model, in line with the rapid industry growth which inevitably affects every business executive. Acumen’s very own Penina Shepherd, CEO & Founder, shared a thought-provoking approach to the notion of ‘Fake it ’till you make it’ and imposter syndrome.

As well as the inspiring speakers on the big stage, the day included an array of Arena Speakers, featuring three local heroes in TEDx-style talks. These were all facilitated by Acumen’s own speakers who shared a story of family betrayal, turmoil and scandal with great informative legal tips and takeaways for all delegates and their businesses

The day concluded with a prestigious Ridgeview Sparkling Wine Reception which gathered all the delegates for a final networking opportunity alongside a much deserved and enjoyed glass of sparkling wine and bagels from Brighton’s famous Bagelman. 

The ACUMEN BUSINESS CONVENTION once more delivered its manifesto, which is to educate, inspire, connect and entertain. It certainly did all that, sparkled with surprises and Acumen magic!

2023 Convention Super Early Bird Tickets Launched! 

Due to the largely positive reception of the 2022 event, Acumen are already very close to selling out all of their Super Early Bird tickets. 

Make sure to catch the deal while it’s still here:

Save the date: 24th May 2023, The Grand Hotel