‘There’s Nothing Like This’ – live podcast event with Omar Lyefook MBE

11th April 2023

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County Business TALKS records special edition of its podcast live at Soho House, writes host Sam Thomas.

When I first started the podcast back in 2021, I never would’ve dreamt that I’d be interviewing the legend Omar Lyefook MBE on stage at Soho House in front of over 100 people. 

On Tuesday, March 28 I did just that. I welcomed a music icon with a career spanning four decades, a ‘signature’ hit tune that led on to eight solo albums – not to mention collaborations with some of the biggest names in pop music history, including Stevie Wonder, Leon Ware and Erykah Badu to name a few. A catalogue of side-projects more extensive than many artists’ entire working lifetimes, Omar Lyefook, a one-man stage show. He is also credited with a TV appearance in Eastenders and had an MBE pinned to his chest by King Charles.

It was a fascinating, inspiring conversation with Omar sharing his journey and some amazing stories from his incredible career. 

I never saw myself as an interviewer – I’m certainly not the most articulate person in the world. I don’t always finish my sentences, but I’m curious, I’m fascinated by people’s stories and I love listening. I love a chat and with the many, many, many different things I’ve tried in my life I’ve genuinely found something that I absolutely love.  

My thanks to everyone who came and supported the event, to my good friend Martin Leppard and H2 Productions Ltd, to Xavier Clarke for the great photos, the wonderful team at Soho House and, of course, the absolute legend that is Omar Lyefook MBE.

It’s a night I will cherish for a long time and look forward to doing it again very soon.

Follow your dreams
Do the things you love
And in the words of Omar, ‘Don’t give a S**t’

Everyone has a story to tell…