Time is Precious. At Martlets we value yours.

3rd December 2021

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Terri’s daughter Jess was cared for by Martlets before she died at the age of 21. Terri tells us about the care Jess received and the appeal she runs every Christmas in memory of her daughter. 

“Jess was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer in 2011 when she was just 15. After years of chemo, invasive treatments and a massive operation, she beat cancer twice, but relapsed in 2015. She lived bravely for 22 months knowing she was terminal. During that time, she was an inspiration for so many young people with cancer and chronic illnesses.  

Care at Martlets

“Jess looked forward to going into Martlets; the physiotherapist would give her an amazing massage that helped take some of her pain away. All the staff there were incredible – I just can’t speak highly enough of them.  

“Towards the end, when Jess started to decline, Martlets arranged for nurses to come and look after her at home. But when Jess woke up that Friday morning, she said, ‘Mum I think we need to go into Martlets now’. I knew things weren’t looking good, so an ambulance came and took her straight into the inpatient unit. The nurses were just incredible – not just in caring for her but for me too as I was in pieces.”  

Remembering at Christmas time

“Christmas is a bittersweet time for me. Jess loved decorating the house at Christmas; she bought some new decorations which we’ve put on the tree every year since she died. One is an angel that goes on top; it reminds me of that last Christmas we had together. We’ve kept Jess’s decorations and some traditions she loved. But as a family we’ve also started doing things a bit differently at Christmas because it’s so painful otherwise.”  

“Jess loved getting new pyjamas on Christmas Eve. We’d all get into our PJs, make hot chocolate and watch a movie – our favourite was ‘Elf’. I set up a pyjama appeal to remember Jess and that really keeps me going.  We always deliver some to Martlets at Christmas time and I know Jess would love that we’re doing this in her memory.”

Martlets is a local charity that helps patients and loved ones make the most of the time they have left together, be part of a team that changes lives.

Martlets’ Memory Christmas trees

Christmas is a special and poignant time of year, and many people have traditions around Christmas trees that remind us of the loved ones we miss: always decorating the tree with grandparents on Christmas Eve, or knowing that mum would want the angel at the top of the tree to be the first decoration placed.  These memories are to be cherished, always.

This year Martlets has placed Memory Christmas Trees across our community, from Portslade to Newhaven. During the busy run up to Christmas, these trees give people the opportunity to spend a few moments remembering their loved ones. Over 20 local businesses are supporting this community initiative, including Waitrose, Brighton Fringe, Big Beach Café and The Old Ship Hotel. If you want to support a Memory Tree and add your business to the online trail contact fundraising@martlets.org.uk  today.  

Follow the Martlets Memory Christmas Tree Trail at martlets.org.uk/remember-together

Help Martlets Keep Caring

At Martlets we know that time is precious.  Everything we do to care for people with a terminal illness and their loved ones is about making the most of the time they have left together.  We want people to have special memories to treasure, that will provide comfort in the years to come.   

Only a third of Martlets’ funding comes from the NHS and as a charity we rely on the support of business partners to help us raise much-needed funds to continue our work. We care for over 3,000 people each year across our community in their own homes and at our hospice, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   

We look after our patients for months, weeks and even years.  We help to manage their illness, providing pain relief and symptom control, offering respite care, physiotherapy and professional counselling for both them and their families – and much more.  None of this is possible without your support.  

There are many ways your business can get involved and become part of our #TeamMartlets community.  You might want to bring your team along to volunteer at an event, sponsor a Memory Christmas Tree, nominate Martlets as your company’s Charity of the Year, or become a sponsor of our Halloween Ball. 

You and your business can be part of a team that changes lives. 

To support Martlets this Christmas visit martlets.org.uk/remember-together  or contact susi.owusu@martlets.org.uk to talk about ways your business can partner with Martlets this Christmas and beyond.    

You can read Terri’s story in full at martlets.org.uk/blogs