Top 50 Fastest-Growing Businesses in Sussex receive accolades

8th August 2021

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Brighton & Gatwick based business specialist law firm, Acumen Business Law, hosted the first of their award luncheons for the Top 50 Fastest-Growing Businesses in Sussex on Friday at the private dining room of the Ginger Pig in Hove St in Hove. 

Acumen Business Law launched the Top 50 initiative to identify and provide recognition to local businesses for their outstanding growth year on year and celebrate their successes after one of the toughest years in the business world.

Penina Shepherd, Founder & CEO of Acumen Business Law, said: “It was so great to see all these smiling celebrating faces around the tables. After a whirlwind year, it was a true celebration of positivity, tenacity and just a great informal Friday afternoon with like-minded business people.  Hopefully, there will be more such positive events to come in all other aspects of our lives, both personally and in the world of business”.

Among the Top 50 participants on the day were; Paul Cooper of Clearstone Business Services Ltd, Daniel Blackham of Gbvi Ltd, Chris Chadwick of Goodman Lantern Limited, Ryan Zhu of Houseen, Simon Fabb of Lease Group Limited, Natalie Thomas of Minton Young Limited, Steven Farrell of Nio Comm Ltd, Matthew Freeman of Numbers Studio Limited, Paul Mcmath of Prosper Home Loans Limited, Tom Jackson of Ramjam Limited, Terry King of TNK Engineering Ltd and Daragh King of Tuff-Trek Ltd.

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