Top job for The Beacon’s former operations manager

17th October 2023

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Decades of experience recognised as the Eastbourne shopping centres gears up for a busy time.

The Beacon Centre in Eastbourne has a new General Manager. Mark Powell moves from Operations Manager into the top job. He brings with him decades of experience working in shopping centres around the country.

Mark takes over the running of the centre at an exciting time, with new retailers coming into The Beacon, Airbourne boosting visitor numbers in August and new audiences as The Turner Prize awards ceremony comes to Eastbourne in December for the first time.

“The centre is seeing major growth, as national and independent retailers see the value of setting up in our fantastic town,” Mark said. “Add to that a huge boost to our thriving arts community through The Turner Prize programme, and I predict Eastbourne will be one of the top coastal attractions this year.”

The first-floor food and leisure offer adds burgers and pizzas to its fantastic range of venues. Chuck & Blade burger restaurant and Square Peg Pizzas open later this month (October) and will hit the ground running.

And on the ground floor, travel agents and cruise specialists Fred. Olsen have started trading, while doughnut specialists Krispy Kreme have taken up residency in the mall near Bruford’s.

A short walk along the mall to FOUNDRY, and SMEs fed-up with working from home have flocked to take up office space here.

“Taking over the centre at such a busy time has been amazing,” Mark continued. “I have a superb management team to support me, and we are really looking forward to a busy time as we gear-up for Christmas.”

The Beacon has been working closely with the arts and crafts community, and along with DISC Dementia carers group by offering them a secure base to operate from.

The centre has also linked up with six primary schools in Eastbourne who are displaying their artwork of times and areas in and around Eastbourne.

“We place a huge emphasis on social value,” Mark explained. “We want to collaborate with different sectors and age groups to support where possible. We have a strong relationship with Compass Arts, who have seen a tremendous growth in new members.

“Compass Arts challenges perceptions around trauma, mental health and health inequalities by representing artists with these lived experiences,” Mark said.

In October and November, Mark and his team will be hosting an array of artists across the shopping centre, with Eastbourne artist Judith Alder being the first guest. You can find out more about Judith’s work via the Beacon’s digital series ‘’Creatives by the Coast’’ and on Instagram: @thebeaconeastbourne

“The Turner Prize coming to The Towner in Eastbourne is such great news for the town,” Mark added. “We want to play our part and help local artists raise their profile in the run-up to the ceremony.”