Top tips on how to save fuel while driving

13th February 2023

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The cost of fuel has dominated the headlines throughout the year, but Rivervale explains how you can save money.

In January 2022, the wholesale price of crude oil was $79 per barrel – almost double the cost from a year earlier as the effects of the covid-19 pandemic continued. One month later, the price shot above $100 as the conflict in Ukraine began, with markets concerned about disruption to the supply chain. Inevitably, this meant a rise in the cost of fuel at the pump.

In January 2022, petrol prices had reached an average of £1.50 per litre. While prices varied, some areas reached an eye-watering £2 per litre at its July peak. While the cost per litre may have come down, the price of fuel remains high and continues to fluctuate. The uncertainty this has brought has led some drivers to look for ways to save fuel. 

What is the best speed to save fuel?

Every car is different and there is no ‘best speed fits all’ solution. Driving too slow or too fast can mean a higher rev count, resulting in increased fuel consumption. However, many cars can return the best economy speed of around 45-55 mph. While this is possible on some roads, it’s not suitable for all and drivers must remember to always adhere to speed limits. Talking of speed limits, read here to find out the speed camera tolerances in the UK.

Speeding is a huge factor in fuel consumption; the faster you go, the more fuel you’ll use. Gentle acceleration aids fuel economy and, while you’ll need to speed up on occasion, there’s no need for it to be excessive.

Does driving slower save fuel?

In theory, driving at a lower speed can save fuel, as this normally involves a lower rev count. However, driving slowly means it’ll take longer for you to reach your destination. The effect of this is that your car ends up burning fuel for longer than it should. Ultimately, this can have the opposite effect and use more fuel than saving it. 

How can I use less petrol while driving?

Making a few minor adjustments to your driving can help reduce your fuel consumption, like combining gear changes with rev count. A higher rev count means an engine spins faster, which in turn leads to greater fuel consumption. But, moving through the gears quickly while keeping a low rev count can reduce fuel usage. Driving in higher gears also gives the temptation to drive faster, so remember to stick to the speed limit.

Another way to reduce fuel usage when driving is to master predictive driving. This involves your ability to plan ahead when approaching lights or junctions. Rather than coming to a complete, slow down as far ahead as possible and assess. You’ll either come to a gradual stop rather than using excessive braking or give you enough control to drive smoothly away when the lights change or the junction is clear.

What causes a car to consume more fuel?

Several factors can cause fuel consumption without you even realising it. If your engine is running well, excessive usage could be down to:

Persistent idling – despite minimal revs on the engine, the car is still burning fuel. Shutting the engine off wherever possible saves fuel and lowers the wear and tear on your vehicle.

Aggressive driving – driving in an aggressive manner hits the fuel tank hard. Continually speeding up, slowing down and suddenly stopping all contribute to excessive fuel use.

Incorrect gear – manual car drivers should always be aware of the gear they’re in. Continual driving in low or high gear can overwork the car. The noise of the engine is a giveaway. Listen to it and respond.

Does coasting save fuel?

Coasting doesn’t make any difference to fuel consumption, particularly with modern cars. Even if the car is out of gear, the engine still needs fuel to power it.

When coasting, drivers are not in full control of the vehicle. Acceleration and full braking are unavailable so if any hazards pop up, you may not avoid them. In addition, some modern cars will shut the engine off if the car is out of gear. While this may save you fuel, it may not save you from an accident.

Tips on reducing unnecessary fuel consumption

There are some simple solutions drivers can consider that will help as they try to reduce fuel and save money. Some of these are:

Get the tyre pressure right

Tyre pressure is a part of car maintenance that is commonly forgotten. Underinflated tyres reduce the roll on your car. In turn, it increases the pressure on your engine and causes your car to use more fuel. Tyre pressures are also dependent on the load. Remember to adjust for extra passengers and luggage where necessary.

Empty your boot

Weight in the boot can add to the drag on the car and unnecessary items can slow you down. Remove anything that doesn’t need to be there to reduce the weight and pressure on the engine.

Switch off the aircon

It’s great to have aircon in the car, but since it draws power from the engine, it becomes a strain on your fuel. Switch off the aircon, open the windows and breathe the fresh air. 

Get a service

Regular servicing makes sure your car is in good condition. While it may be tempting to put it off, a service can increase fuel efficiency and increase your MPG.

Reduce the drag

Roof bars and boxes increase wind resistance on your car. If you don’t need them for where you’re going, remove them. Unused bars can add up to 16% drag at higher speeds, while a roof box adds around 39%.

Finally, if you’re looking for the ideal way to reduce fuel costs, then you may want to consider electric. Many electric cars can now travel much further and with more accessible charging points, now may be the perfect time to take the plunge. Need a place to start looking? Check out our top 10 cheapest electric cars.

Get in touch with Rivervale on 01273 433480 to discuss leasing options.