Using your vehicle post lockdown?

28th May 2020

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With the first signs of the UK beginning to relax lockdown sanctions many are questioning what the future will hold for driving? Will it be a free-for-all with the roads resuming rush hours and high traffic levels or will we see more people opt for walking and cycling? It has been reported in a recent survey conducted by the AA that 20% of drivers will reduce their vehicle use after coronavirus lockdown ends.

For many the lockdown sanctions have forced us to revisit or introduce ourselves to other methods of basic transport. Those lucky enough to have a bike or foot scooter certainly made the most of it, Halfords reported huge increases in bicycle purchases since the middle of March. For those who couldn’t access a bike, walking, jogging and running were the only options and it seems that for many the enjoyment of these activities may stick.

AA survey

The reductions in vehicle use could be significant to the environment, as previously reported the lockdown has seen positive impacts to air quality with the large decrease in pollution emitting engines roaming the streets. As lockdown sanctions are slowly lifted we are all waiting to find out what the guidelines will be around commuting and public transport once we are told it is safe for everyone to return to work. What we do know right now is that people do not want to go on public transport unless they have to in fear of contracting the virus, which could of course impact the amount of commuters opting for other means of transport. The question at this stage is will people opt for their cars or continue to walk, cycle and jog?

Read more: Lockdown leads to positive impact on environment

The change in our lifestyles has sparked many questions around how people will spend their time moving forward with 40% of those surveyed suggesting they will spend more time seeing family and 40% saying they will continue to do more activities outside. Working from home is likely to continue to be the norm for sometime moving forward again supporting the statistics that drivers will use their vehicles less. Some drivers who have worked throughout the lockdown period have enjoyed quitter traffic free roads, the ease of these journeys may prompt people to reconsider when and how they commute to avoid peak times.

Currently it’s important to remember that lockdown has not been lifted and the following rules still apply:

• Going to a shop or pharmacy for groceries or medicine.

• Travelling to work where your work is essential and you cannot do it from home

• Travelling for medical reasons, either for yourself or to care for a vulnerable person where there is no alternative help

• Taking your child to school. This applies to children classified as “vulnerable” and the children of key workers. It also applies to children whose parents do not live together, allowing for them to be moved between parents’ homes.

Read more: Driving during lockdown

From Monday, May 11, in England you can now drive to get to work if you cannot work from home, even if your job is not classified as “essential”. The Government advises those who cannot work from home should be actively encouraged to return to work but should avoid public transport.

In England, from Wednesday, May 13, you will be able to drive to another location for exercise “irrespective of distance” as long as you respect social distancing guidance.