Value Added Partner Spotlight

15th September 2023

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We talk to Sean Gould, Senior Clerk, and Stuart Taylor, Deputy Senior Clerk, of Westgate Chambers.

1.Tell us about the Westgate Chambers story

Westgate Chambers was founded in October 1987 by John Collins and Raymond Fox. John and Raymond knew both the solicitors and lay clients in the region deserved something more local, more accessible and more dedicated than annexes. We remain the only independent common law set of Chambers in South East of Sussex.

2. What has been the biggest business challenge to date?

In Crime, over the last thirty years we have seen multiple cuts to legal aid funding – and no increase on Crown Prosecution fees for well over a decade. This has led to multiple Criminal Bar strikes to hold the Government to account to show the cuts have decimated the goodwill for many Barristers. During Covid this situation was exasperated still further, and the Criminal Bar undertook a strike on pay which resulted in the Government finally listening and increasing both Defence and Prosecution fees. We have more work to do in relation to this but remain resolute that we are moving in the right direction.

In Family, we have seen several court portals be introduced, where Counsels’ papers are now held. Moving barristers away from physical papers, with the traditional pink string wrapped around them(!), to working online has been a challenge for every Chambers and member of the Family Bar.

COVID was an horrendous time for many. The legal profession was no different, with all Barristers and their Chambers being hit hard. You may recall that most if not all Criminal, Civil and Family cases were adjourned, save for the cases involving the protection of children.

3. What has been your greatest or proudest business achievement to date?

After the first lockdown and during the second lockdown, Chambers took the monumental decision to move from Lewes, our home for 32 years, and move Chambers across to Brighton. The logistics involved in moving all our Barristers and staff was a big step – along with totally revamping our IT and Chambers setup to be more flexible and allow full remote working both for members and staff.

Chambers made this decision to be closer to our core base of professional clients and to locate ourselves within the court network which has allowed us to have more of a presence for our professional and lay clients and at the same time give our Barristers the flexibility to be right next to their Chambers should they need us before or after court.

4. What type of clients do you currently work with and who are you looking to meet?

We work with several different clients. Lawyers traditionally instruct Counsel, but we now also work with Chartered Surveyors and members of the public via Direct Access. We are looking to meet anyone who requires excellent representation or advice from best-in-class Counsel.

5. Tell us a story/fact about yourself that people might not know?

Sean – My first vinyl record was Rapper’s Delight by The Sugar Hill Gang.

Stuart – I am a huge music lover! Classical, Hip Hop, Rap, Pop, RNB, Rock-n-Roll – I enjoy it all!