Value Added Partner Stories

9th May 2024

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We chat to Matt Freeman, Director of The Numbers Studio

Tell us about the Numbers Studio story.

As someone who grew-up with a multi-generation family-owned business, I assumed that being an accountant meant being out in the community working with businesses…

However, when I started working at a traditional accountancy firm as a graduate back in 2006, I soon realised we were wearing pinstripe suits in our offices, sat behind our computer screens. Whilst our clients were out there running businesses in the real world and crying out for our help!

The seed of an idea for Numbers Studio had been sown…

Eventually, in 2014, The Numbers Studio was born in Brighton as a solution to the problem I’d spotted nearly a decade earlier… This year we’ll be celebrating our 10th birthday as a passionate contributor to the Brighton business community!

What has been your biggest business challenge to date?

Finding balance.  Whether balancing team capacity to workload, personal life vs business life, health vs wealth, pushing hard vs being passive…there just always seems to be a trade-off at every turn. I’ve found thinking long-term helps. I make better quality decisions thinking over five years rather than five days.

What has been your greatest or proudest business achievement to date?

We’re not the heroes of this story – our clients are! Business owners are in the heat of battle every single day. It’s a bumpy ride being in business over the long-term and not for the faint hearted.

My proudest moment (so far) at Numbers Studio, was when a client, unable to afford to run a car when we first met, built a quality business and sold it for a seven figure sum three years later. The sale changed the lives of everyone in his family and it couldn’t have happened to a kinder, more deserving person.

What type of clients do you currently work with and who are you looking to meet?

We work with owner-managed, trading businesses as a trusted finance partner. We’re by our client’s side throughout their business journey.

We work with start-ups through to scaling businesses with £10m turnover and 50+ staff, where we’ll often plug-in as an outsourced finance team as an alternative to client’s hiring internally.

We’ve also carved out a bit of a specialism in creative services, particularly events and hospitality due to our Brighton roots.

Tell us a story/fact about yourself that people might not know.

I’ve met the King…he had the shiniest shoes I’ve ever seen worn by a human.