Value Added Partner Stories

13th August 2024

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This month County Business Clubs Sussex throws the spotlight on Tom Webster, CCO of Sentry Funding and Degan Distillery.

Tell us your story

I’m a local lad who grew up in Seaford and has worked in and around Brighton for most of my working life. Very fortunate to have grown up in a close and loving family. Most of my career I have worked in financial advisory with spells in recruitment, digital marketing and property. My focuses now are my businesses; Sentry Funding, where we help law firms raise litigation funding for their clients. and Degen Distillery, a tech-based spirits brand working in partnership with BrewDog and Google. I’m also a trustee of the incredible local charity Table Talk Foundation, where we provide food education for Sussex based children. I’ve recently become a father to a beautiful boy, Teddy, who is now six months old and bursting with character.

What has been your biggest business challenge to date?

My biggest business challenge to date would be dealing with a betrayal from business partners. I had put an incredible amount of trust into them and supported them in building their careers. Sadly, not everyone has integrity and greed can get the better of people.

What has been your greatest or proudest business achievement to date?

My three-and-a-half years as Chairman of Seaford Town Football Club felt like a big achievement. Over that time, the club made some great progress and did a lot of good for charitable causes, such as a Christmas toy drive for Royal Alexandra and free school meals during covid. I wanted to grow the club into something the town could be proud of.

What type of clients do you currently work with and who are you looking to meet?

For Degen Distillery it would be great to meet restaurant/bar/nightclub/venue owners or alcohol distributors who are interested in new products from a local business. We are the exclusive vodka across the Goodwood Estate and recently sponsored the VIP area at On The Beach… we’ve launched with a bang!

Tell us a story/fact about yourself that people might not know

I’ve been hypnotised by Derren Brown! I ended up on stage in a trance and did a trick where I balanced between the backs of two chairs, in a plank position resting on the back of my neck and ankles.

How do you define success?

Success to me is having the ability to make choices. They can be grand or small, but having that freedom to choose feels like success to me.

Tom Webster
Chief Commercial Officer

Sentry Funding
03442 643 575