Visualisation – the power of visualisation and sound baths

13th February 2023

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Some of the happiest and most successful people are constantly using visualisation to achieve a particular goal, remain calm and be focused including Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, David Beckham and Lewis Hamilton.

Integrating visualisation into your meditation practice is a very powerful and effective process, as the subconscious mind does not know the difference between something that has actually happened and something that you are visualising. Your subconscious mind will gravitate to what you know, so if you regularly visualise what is important to you then you are retraining your subconscious to focus on your goal.

You can use visualisation when you meditate. I suggest you start by focusing on breathwork, by taking some deep slow breaths in and out for a few minutes exhaling longer than the inhalation. Set yourself an intention for your meditation practice (i.e. I want to feel calmer etc.). Once your mind feels more relaxed, then start to visualise your goal. When you visualise, you ideally need to be at peace and focus on something very specific, visualising the exact process, what you are going to say, do, wear, create a positive mindset about this and then hold this in your mind. Of course, being really passionate, working hard and action are also needed to follow the visualisation process to help you get closer to your desired goal.  

You can use visualisation to help you regulate your nervous system by participating in a relaxing body scan. To do this, visualise a beautiful blue light entering the souls of your feet, moving slowly to all parts of your body and creating a connection with all parts of your body. As you visualise this calming blue light relaxing all parts of your body you can integrate taking some deep nurturing breaths to help you feel more grounded and present in the moment. This effective and calming method can be integrated into your busy day and can help you if you are struggling to sleep at night or if you are feeling stressed at work. 

It is important to be mindful of not using visualisation to catastrophize, as it is believed that humans have a negative bias. Rather than wasting time worrying start to retrain your mind to visualise what you want to achieve this will cultivate a positive mindset as it is important to learn from each step you take to reach the goal that you are visualising and follow this process regularly. 

When I teach sound baths and guided meditations to help students relax, I include visualisations. I ask everyone to use all of their senses and imagine themselves in their happy place for example on a beach, in a forest, by a river, spending time with family, etc. This can be a great way to help you if you are struggling to sleep, feeling anxious or dealing with a problem by visualising yourself in your happy place, so you feel calmer and less reactive before taking action. Sound baths using singing bowls can take you into a deeper, more healing, and relaxed meditation. Many people ask me what are singing bowls, and the benefits of a sound bath so here is a basic explanation:

● These pure tones create soothing vibrations from the singing bowls can help shift brain waves, which allows you to relax and reduce anxiety, stress, pain, depression, etc.

● It helps regulate your nervous system to shift from fight or flight to feeling calm.

● A sound bath can help unblock energy, so you feel more balanced.

● I use alchemy crystal singing bowls. When played, make a beautiful and calming sound.

● Visualisation and sound baths can help improve sleep. 

● Sound baths can be extremely beneficial for someone that would like to learn to meditate but finds it challenging.

● Another way of using visualisation during a sound bath is to visualise the breath entering your nostrils, making its way to the lungs nurturing your whole body and then focusing on exhaling and letting go of anything that no longer serves you so that you can feel more centred and at peace. 

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about developing a bespoke wellbeing programme including sound baths, mindfulness or yoga in the workplace. I share lots of tips on LinkedIn (Cara Murphy-Howell).

Telephone: 07841108460 Website:

* If you have any health conditions prior to participating in breathwork please consult a doctor.

Sources of inspiration

Jay Shetty, Think like a Monk 

Jennifer Davoust 

The Mindset Mentor