Ways to level up your car dealership in 2023

13th February 2023

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If you’re looking to maximise success in 2023 and shift your car dealership up a gear, then automotive website and marketing agency 67 Degrees has a few suggestions that may just be the strategy you need to make this year your best.

Upgrade your website

Your online presence is as important as your physical one. Would you visit a business’s premises for the first time without at least taking a peek at them online? Neither would your customers; your website is more often than not the first impression they get, so make it count. 

From a design that portrays your brand and vehicle pages that show off your stock to a platform that performs for both you and your customer, every detail counts, as we know all too well at 67 Degrees. In fact, our expertise in this area has won us awards, so we know what works for a range of car dealerships; from small independents to large supermarkets and franchise businesses.

Refresh your page content

Did you know that your page content (that’s the text on your website)  should be refreshed every two to three years? Whilst neglecting this area of your online presence is easily done, it can have a knock-on effect on your online performance. 

Google regularly crawls every page of your website, and it LOVES fresh content, so it’s going to prioritise those that are proven to be alive and kicking through updated text. Leaving your content to stagnate means you run the risk of slipping down the Google search rankings, creating a gap into which your competitors can sneak into. 

Build on your blog

Remember what we said about Google loving fresh content? Regularly writing blog posts is a great way to get new text on your website on a weekly or monthly basis. It also establishes your dealership as an authority within the industry, earning you clicks to your website because your blogs are informative and interesting. Each article is also an extra opportunity to rank for certain keyword terms relevant to your business – it’s a win-win! 

Get social

If you’re not on social media, where have you been? People aged between 20-25 are more likely to visit a Facebook or Instagram page over visiting your website, and they’re not exceptions to the rule – we think you’ll find that many people do social media research before they commit to a purchase. We know it’s daunting to keep up with the rapidly changing social landscape, but marketing via social media remains essential for you to get to grips with. 

Whilst we believe that organic social media posts (that’s ones you post for free without paying) are best coming authentically from the dealership itself, we certainly manage the paid Facebook and Instagram advertising for 67 Degrees dealers. We get some brilliant results!  

Sort your SEO

How do your customers find you? If even a portion of your customer base comes from Google searches, you need to consider how well your website gets you to the top of search results. Does your content naturally feature keywords? Are your titles optimised? How many inbound links does your website get? These are all things that our SEO team can handle on your behalf, giving you the best chance of rising through the ranks, and being the first site your customers click on. 

Work on your personal brand

Looking to put a bit more of ‘you’ into your business? Does your personality put the customers you meet at ease and make their decision to buy with you an obvious one? It’s time to channel that into your online brand and definitely something to consider in 2023 if you want to level up with your competitors. 

Need a helping hand?

If you’ve got some fantastic ideas and a vision of where you want to get your dealership to by the end of the year, then we’ve got the enthusiasm, resource and experience to help get you there. It all starts by upgrading your online forecourt and the rest flows effortlessly from there.

The world of automotive has evolved and your customers’ buying habits have changed – join us on a journey to the future by transforming your online presence. 67 Degrees is one of the automotive industry’s most exciting marketing agencies in the UK; our Shoreham-based business specialises in developing innovative car dealer websites, e-commerce solutions and digital marketing services exclusively to the motor industry. 

Accelerate your dealership’s online presence with a unique and bespoke approach that will bring your business to life. Visit www.67degrees.co.uk and contact the 67 Degrees team by calling 01273 007855.