We chat to Agency 53

10th April 2021

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Tell us about Agency 53?

We’re a local digitally integrated creative marketing agency with particular focus on the construction and property sectors.

Our goal is to help our clients enhance the performance of their businesses by utilising our skills in Digital, Content, Design and Marketing. We design and produce cost effective yet exciting marketing collateral to enable our clients’ businesses to reach their full potential. 

Simplicity is always our aim. We start by researching and forming a thorough understanding of our clients’ objectives and requirements.

Our strengths are our team – It is their skills and understanding and the ability to take a concept idea through the design process to the culmination of a successful marketing campaign.

The Agency53 leadership team is made up of our Marketing Director Jamie Pierce and Creative Director Michael Neligan, a friendship and commercial partnership built from their university days.

Jamie is well known across Sussex having built numerous relationships through various networking groups in the area. He has also chaired a national trade association group and has spoken at industry conferences both home and abroad.

Michael’s skills have been crafted in design for digital marketing encompassing web, social and content. He has experienced life with agencies and working in businesses.

Between them Jamie and Michael have over twenty years commercial experience in this field.

Away from the day job both are keen runners as well as being frustrated golfers!! Some may know of Jamie’s first love Brighton & Hove Albion but not Michael’s who is a rugby man at heart and supports Harlequins.

We are hopefully coming towards the end of a very tough period for businesses, why have you decided to launch the company now?

Over the years, we have worked together on various projects since leaving university and as such the next logical step was to start their own business.

Michael says, “As an integrated marketing agency, we’ll unravel the issues, overcome challenges businesses may face and also help educate their teams so they have the knowledge for the future.”

Jamie adds “We love to inject new life into businesses of all sizes, whether that be rebranding, a new website or an advertising campaign. It’s that simple, we’re here to help and we never forget that business is about people and trust. People do business with people and we have been very fortunate with the support we have received from Richard Beeforth at Sussex Print Management, Jason Edge at Mayo Wynne Baxter and Sam Thomas at Sussex Business Times in particular for their help during the past twelve months.”

How do you differentiate from other creative marketing agencies?

Every business needs their own USP and with Agnecy53 there are three things that automatically come to mind.

1. Agency53 was founded on the core principle, ‘simplicity’. Our goal is to make the clients life as easy as possible.

2. Our team has vast knowledge, skill and experience through working within many different business sectors.

3. For us its more about developing a long-term relationship with our clients.

How can you help businesses achieve their marketing goals?

It’s simple actually – HONESTY.

We’re confident that our team can deliver results, but it is vitally important that we understand the clients brief and their business ethos in order to deliver first class results.

Can you give us your 5 top marketing tips?

  • It’s crucial that people build partnerships to learn and develop from each other, so our advice is to Network-Network-Network.
  • Always do your research on your target market.
  • Know your audience and understand what is driving them to you. If they are happy customers, ask them why and get them to share their experiences with others. You’re obviously doing something right.
  • Only use the social media platforms that are the right fit for your business.
  • If this pandemic has taught us anything it is that you can work from almost anywhere but also look for opportunities to diversify and grow your businesses. Stand still and you’ll only go backwards.

If you would like to discuss how we could help drive your business, then please get in touch with the team – studio@agency53.co.uk or call 0204 534 2545.