We chat to Bintems Crazy Golf

17th May 2021

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Bintems Crazy Golf is a family business offering unique, handmade, portable crazy golf entertainment, across Sussex and surrounding areas.

We began in August 2020, with a mission of building a selection of crazy golf holes for a charity fundraising event.

It was a father and son project. The father being the craftsman, the son being the “ideas” guy.

When the suggestion of building a homemade crazy golf course was first presented to the father, it’s safe to say that he did take a bit of convincing!

Feelings of “it’s a bit too ambitious” and “where are we going to store it all” were shared. The son’s response, “don’t worry, it’ll be fine!” and “we’ll deal with that later!” and this was the start of the working partnership between the detail-oriented father and the happy go lucky son. A match made in heaven if ever there was one!

We started off fairly basic, our first hole called Peaky Blinder was a relatively straight forward build and this was enough to get the old man on the hook.

Over time, we became more and more adventurous with the obstacles we were building. Multi-joint piping systems for Down the Drain, a windmill with rotating sails called Windy Miller and an old tyre turned loop the loop called Silverstone.

By the time we did the fundraiser in September 2020, we had already made eight different holes.

The fundraiser was a massive success and it was clear that our course could be a great addition to all types of events and a big hit with all age groups.

Once we realised the potential of our crazy golf project, we needed to decide on a name. Sticking with our family roots, we chose to call ourselves, Bintems.

Bintem, was a saying coined by my Great Grandad. A WWI army veteran from Overton, Hampshire.

“They be good, bintem!”, he could be heard saying in his broad, rural accent whenever he was in admiration of something.

The name stuck, as did our appetite to continue scaling our course and over the two lockdowns which followed, we kept ourselves busy by inventing and experimenting with our ideas, waiting patiently for the restrictions to ease, so we could start sharing our creations with the world!

Our portable crazy golf course offers plenty of thrills, with a mix of crazy golf classics such as Windy Miller and Helter Skelter, along with some of our own unique inventions like Bullseye, Snookered, Ring my Bell and In the Rough.

We offer flexible booking options ranging from a full 9-hole course to a bespoke selection of specific holes. It’s completely customisable dependant on the needs of our customer. Alongside this, the course itself has great versatility. It can be setup in many different settings.

Outdoors or indoors, at the local park or your own back garden, a wedding venue or a car park, in your office or on the high street. It’s the perfect activity for all levels of ability and a great way to bring people together, any time of the year.

Nowadays, we have thirteen different holes and we are on a mission to reach eighteen. We also have enlisted the help of my little sister, Alex, who is managing our social media pages and marketing.

Some of the new inventions we are working on currently include a crazy golf version of Bagatelle and a very cool wedding themed hole as well. You can follow us on social media to keep up with the latest additions – @bintemscrazygolf.

We are now actively taking bookings, so please get in touch with us to find out more. Our course can be the ideal entertainment for events such as weddings, birthdays, company events, back garden get togethers, community events and anything else you can think of!

We have plenty of golf clubs and golf balls, so sharing of equipment is not necessary, especially while social restrictions are in place and the course can be set up to give plenty of space for social distancing.

For charities who are looking for fundraising activity, we offer very favourable consideration and would love to collaborate on such events across the Sussex area.

We hope to see you on the course soon!

Team Bintems www.bintemscrazygolf.co.uk
