We hear from Greystone Associates

17th May 2021

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Graham Cosham has worked for over 40 years within the construction industry, both as a military engineer and in a civilian career.

This has involved working around the world, as well as the UK on various construction projects. Attached to fire fighting teams for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) works post-Gulf War One. Greystone Associates was formed as a business in 1992, and is consistent in maintaining knowledge and training in current Health and Safety laws and legislation.

Clients have and do vary from Major Contractors Group (MCG), to sole contractors.

We enjoy challenges and know how to overcome them in a cost-effective way, and we advocate use of modern methods of construction to assist in removal of hazards. We believe in a practical approach to safety. Where achievable, we can reduce the volume of paperwork required for projects.

Our specialities include:

• Construction safety – safety policies, site safety inspections, safety training in construction.

• CDM Adviser/Principal Designer. ACIOB, Institute of Construction Management member, Institute of Leadership and Management.

• Undertaking the provision of training, either in-house or bespoke with our associates.

• Undertaking of expert witness reports for defence and prosecution in legal claims.

• Incorporated member of Associate of Project Safety (IAPS)

• EOD surveys and party wall representatives.

Member of the Alliance of Safety Professionals – a group of like-minded safety advisors who have a practical approach to safety challenges.

We are currently in the process of obtaining an OFQUAL certification, which will enable us to deliver training courses that are government-recognised and  fall within current Health and Safety specifications.

The motto of Greystone Associates is: We don’t have problems — just challenges.